
I give a lot of guff to the IT dept. here. At the same time, I recognise that the company, by using outdated software, and machines that are barely able to run them efficiently, have put you behind the eight ball.

Awesome! There are several people I work with who will print an email and say hey I got this email from what do you need me to do?

Still my favorite can opener

that is not where eggs come from 

The bullshit charges are the problem. First because they lead to POC’s being unfairly imprisoned while white guys like the fool in the story, walk away, because of how a jury’s racism comes into play. And second because white boys do get negro treatment. They’re usually poor, just like the POCs who end up in prison.

Youre Youre “broke broken

I totally agree.

And today’s prize for “Pedant Completely Missing the Point to Try and Sound Smart” goes to...

“She was obviously tuning out her husband so she could listen to the people at the next table. Not only was she rude to those diners she was rude to her husband. She probably stiffed the server on the tip too since she was so outraged at other peoples private conversation.

North Americans are going to be missing out.

What I hate are burger towers. You know, the kind where the party is more like a small meat loaf (cooked medium rare if you’re lucky), there’s way too much bread, and kebab skewers are required to hold the thing together.

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.

Two or three thin patties cooked quickly at high heat will beat the socks off of a thick patty that has be cooked at a low temperature to make sure that the outside isn’t overdone by the time the center isn’t raw every day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

Too thin, shoe leather...

Also if it’s too dry it might be because you smashed it too much. One smash, while the fat is still cold and solid, and you won’t lose moisture or flavor. Keep smashing once the fat is rendering though, and you will have dry hockey puck.

Thank you for being on the right side of this issue.

if your burger is shoe leather your ground beef needs more fat not more volume



“Amazon also offers the ability to have things shipped to Amazon lockers.”

Not if they’re the size of an air conditioner...or even a laptop computer. At my last apartment, having a package sent to the property manager’s office was about as effective as having it deposited in the dumpster for all the good it was in