
Meh. Not for it. I don’t want my boobs hoisted; I want just don’t want them flying all around and hurting while I’m running. I’d be perfectly happy to go braless with my half-century 36...Bs? Cs? at work if I could, but I can’t, so a sports bra is fine by me.

Oh, my god. This is the worst case of “but men!” that I have ever, ever seen. I have trouble understanding how someone can be that thoroughly un-self-aware.

Well, that’s very silly. I think it was exactly the right time and place to do it, and what better way to confront prejudice than to go in making it clear that you’re not “different from those other ones, you’re okay” but draped in the flag of the thing they claim to hate and fear?

Or possibly we have a shit-ton more sense on the whole, dislike the obscene waste of money and natural resources (including time) represented by professional racing, and tend to choose sports with lower odds of death and planetary damage.

This thread’s amazing, btw. I thought it was just my ex who was a knucklehead,

They’re all the wicked son for working for him in the first place, and richly deserve what they’re getting here.

ALLEGEDLY, FFS. NOT PURPORTEDLY. Hire a motherfucking editor, you all went to expensive schools and surely know some.

omg I had the stripey Lands’ End dress. It looked terrible on everyone.

Fuck them anyway. They had a brilliant shot at money, squandered it, now want the rest of us to support them in a comfy retirement while voting against funding for education, early childhood, housing, healthcare for all, on and on. Not interested in their crying.

And then there’s this thread:


Method acting, then.

No, I smoked plenty. It was just unutterably boring, was the problem. And one thing the 80s were not was boring.

We’re talking recreational, not medicinal., we had cocaine. Gate right there. Bolivian marching powder, remember?

GenX reporting:

Bleah. I actually remember the last time I smoked, back when I was current-Millennial-age-band, and why I knew I never wanted to do it again. Apart from the lung damage.

Pot makes people boring. I’m really not interested in mellow and drifty. If I want mellow I’ll sit home with my furniture...which, come

I’m glad you’re all unhappy, empty people. It’s nice that you go through your lives feeling useless and like you’re doing it wrong, and that you haven’t the faintest idea how to do it right. Your self-assessment is accurate.

Oh come on. He can’t seriously have thought he’d win New York.

I...don’t understand any of these. Maybe because I work out? I haven’t seen capri leggings like that since about 1986 and they were only good for making you look like you were trying out for Oliver!.

So those pajamas look okay, but I have pajamas, and I’m less sulky when I wear them. I also don’t usually have my belly

She has an incredible voice.

Why do you want shitty men on board with you? Or amywhere near you? Reevaluate plan....