
Dude #1 sounds like a total asshat who, deep down, views his wife as validation that he’s a complete human being. Oh and how perfectly white of him to “give her” her preferences.

Well, I’m sure a lot of suddenly grantsless scientists will manage to find ways to make their projects sound relevant to Space Wars. I mean you probably evolve a lot of GHGs and aerosols when you explode things up there.

staaahp, jesus.

No, they really can’t. Anything more complex than “If x, then y” in about two sentences loses them.


Oh, for crying out loud. Just try taking your hands away from your balls for 15 minutes, it’ll do you good.

This conversation’s sweet because of the relationship they have, but it really made me sad.

Do it. I had one when I was 18, and it was the best thing I’d ever done in my life. (Well, maybe not, but close.) That’s not cosmetic; that’s functional.

In fact I will make it a point never to see any of his movies, because he’s obviously such a shit.

I hate this guy.

Yeah. His message was so popular that he had to bring his own rally crowd with him — the Gazette’s interviews with the rallygoers were crazy, with these people from New York, Illinois, everywhere but Cedar Rapids. My favorite was the kid who said he had friends all over and had just carpooled here — the reporter asked

I have always been glad of Stephen Joyce’s litigiousness. A thing biographers often forget is that for the most part they haven’t been asked to root through the family’s history and the stories do not belong to them. I’m watching the scholarly machine ratchet up to go make use of an old teacher of mine, in which

Not most men, Dave. Not most men.

Not “eschewed”.

Barron doesn’t actually look stupid, and I’m guessing they’re going to have significant trouble keeping that boy any more on-script than his father is. Except he’ll be doing it on purpose.

If you look at a map of Iowa’s congressional districts, you’ll have your answer.

Well, of course you don’t find him hot. You’re a child. If you were 20 years older, you’d look at him differently.

This is bullshit. This is a giveaway to rich white women with salaried jobs. You should know that. Or maybe you’ve spent so long in the stratosphere that you don’t know how poor women work and live.

So, is this, like, footage of the kind we were treated to during Colin Powell’s UN pony show? You know, with those very very dangerous nuclear-whosis-probably trucks sitting around?

On the contrary, man who can’t spell. It’s people who insist on hugging their outboard penises who’re terrified of the world and of others. I don’t own a gun, there are none in my house, there never have been, and I am quite confident in my ability to go on breathing this way for another few decades.