
Yep. My last boyfriend once had an earth shattering temper tantrum where he lost his shit completely and blamed me for all of his issues with intimacy because I didn’t look him in the eye as much as he would’ve liked one day. Same dude used to gaslight the shit out of me and said I made him feel smothered when I asked

You are not stupid or broken.

I was attempting to be ironic, but clearly based on these two comment responses, have failed. Who even uses such a roundabout term to describe women except a backwards ass misogynist leaning woman hater type? Oh wait, I forgot... he said he was also chivalrous, so that’s alright then! *cough*

I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day. She makes me very happy, and is very sweet, beautiful, smart and loveable.

That or, in the case of several folks I know, they’re an angry white guy who just realized alienating their family, friends, and everyone else in the pursuit of affluence wasn’t as fulfilling as they thought it’d be and are now spewing cognitive dissonance everywhere to compensate.

Please don’t downplay or normalize domestic violence by calling it a ‘dispute’. Disputes are over control of the remote, this was an act of violence against a woman.

Great, another imbecile. Don’t let hate cause your projection.

Maybe I just have a grudge against fuckers like him who try to price my mother out of healthcare (she has a serious allergy that needs an epipen) and the people I’ve known who’ve gotten away with child abuse because they get let out without decent parole controls and immediately re-offend.

And yet ironically, in rendering women invisible, in reducing them to metaphors of insanity, the asylum makes the lives of women—not the ghosts that haunt letters and novels but real, living women—virtually impossible to reconstruct. That is, ultimately, the story of Lucia.

Because there are a lot of people who feel that a women, entering a situation in which sex is an expected, or even possible, outcome, can’t be raped because she willingly entered such situation.

Speak for yourself, I literally hated that man as long as I can remember for his blatant Uncle Tomery but because blacks were starved for positive entertainment role models and because hes one of the “good ones” to white people few wanted to pay any attention when these allegations first started popping up over

Respect the office = I was just following orders.

These folks don’t have much money. Stop being an ass.

Meh. I don’t think I ever knew my mother or my two grandmothers to ever use their china. It’s a cultural thing. People don’t use the silver set either. “The good china” is a fkin’ racket perpetrated by Big Plate. I eloped, so never registered, but the nicest plates we own are Williams Sonoma’s daily line, and the

Hugs! I was a 29-week preemie (3 lbs) and in the NICU for 45 days. Now a 28 year old librarian. <3 <3 <3 <3 The odds are so good. Thinking of you.

Wow, that photo is really familiar. I was born 14 weeks prematurely at a pound and a half. My doctors expected I’d live maybe a few days with underdeveloped lungs and a heart condition. I’m now 25.

🌟🌝🌸💕🍀🔆💛 Welcome to the earth, little Catalina 💛🔆🍀💕🌸🌝🌟

Catalina was my name in Spanish class, and one of my teachers called me Cata. To this day, some of my high school friends call me Cata. I feel just a teeny bit like her ersatz godmother. All the best to you and your Catalina.

Well my 30-something twin cousins arrived at 24 weeks. And the boy in the incubator next to my son* was a 21 week delivery and under 1 lb, and is now a perfectly healthy 12 year old. So the outlook is hopeful…