
This would be true.

(Sigh) Because the reasons why it’s true have to do with the fact that men aren’t so great at sustained wellbeing, on the whole. It’s why GrameenBank started out by offering microloans to women, not men. It’s why in many places social welfare checks are handed to women, not their husbands — the pols know that the

Oh for god’s sake. You’ve had eleventy billion years to make the decision, Ellie. From my magnificent perch in Iowa, where we haven’t had to take this shit seriously in months, I will break it down for you.

They are both politicians. They are both shitheads. That is the only kind of person there is who becomes a career

Yeah, I’m not seeing this as hilarous, really. I’m seeing this as a bunch of dudes freaking out. Notice that even the trailer fails the Bechdel test.

No need to apologize. You speak truth.

Because he’s actually not a great dude. I’ve been watching his comments on other posts, and he’s basically hanging around trolling, thinks this is fun.

As a guy, you have no excuse for sitting there with that Tool Time stupid fucking shrug and noise and being like, “Uuhhh? Dunno, you laydeeez betr tayk car of eeeet.”

What it takes is for men to beat other men over the motherfucking head with the reality that they do not intend to let the continuing sexism and

oh my god. Stop making excuses for what you fail to do for your kid.

So essentially, world to critics: No 1 curr about yr boner.

“Openly bitchy”. Yes. This is my new rallying cry. All y’all out of the closet, come be openly bitchy. Actually I’m more sort of “openly unfuckable-with” these days and you would not beleeeeeve how it makes the male sexual interest clear out. It’s like I can see them now like other guys do, and they’re all nope nope

And we’re protecting the producer by not naming him because....

I have no idea who these people are. I assume they’re famous for something.

Oh my gaaaahd. Apparently all you have to do is have a baby, have nothing to do but take care of the baby, and be 23 years old. Also, that babyfitgym lady’s about to break an expensive stroller. They make ab rollers for that kind of thing.

“I majored in criminal justice”

Dude, you’re a walking cliché. Would you like to meet all the other criminal justice majors who think they really know how this stuff works, that their programs were solid and meaningful, and have long speeches about family court?

No, the article doesn’t support the notion that single-mom

I do think it’s going to be very interesting for my daughter if she winds up raising kids with someone — it’d have to be rather a special guy, I think, or a woman, because I can’t see her deferring in the usual guy/girl way. I think she’d try it to get along, and then say “nah brah.” Or just take a look down the line

I’d say “sources or it didn’t happen,” but that’s what MRA trolls who believe the world’s their librarian and have no respect for other people’s time do. As it happens, this support for your desperate “someone should have my kid and stick around” bid was long ago debunked. Check the non-correlative, not to mention

Thank you. I’m a single mom raising a daughter, and for the first few years of her life there was all this bullshit about how she’d never be able to have a normal adult relationship because where was the model and how how how. I was stupid enough to take it seriously. The reality, of course, is that she’s grown up to

Good god. I always thought this was bizarre — and my last boyfriend (who may well be my last) kept wanting to spank me, too. I thought it was just some kink of his, though he wasn’t up for being spanked himself...but actually the river of misogyny ran wide in that one. I think he actually liked the “keep the filly

I, um, am willing to believe you’re really not all like that, but almost 50 years of my experience, my friends’ experiences, and random internet strangers’ experiences says to me the “not like that” man is kind of like the Yeti. It’s possible you’re kidding yourself and that it’s not so much a matter of women’s having

WAIT WTF. How stupid is our media? Trans, yes, but hello, the story is right here.