
I miss when “writers” had basic spelling and grammatical skills. Most of the errors I see shouldn’t have even been in a rough draft, much less in copy that is reviewed by an editor.

should never of happened”

I also read this as 82% of people surveyed are complete idiots

Nope. You have the right to face your accuser if you are accused of a crime. A simple traffic citation, or in this case a parking citation, is not a crime.

Yeah I am curious to see how this holds up in Court. Red Light Camera’s don’t work in California since you have a right to face your accuser in court. All you have to do is show up and ask to face your accuser for a red light ticket and you get that dismissed since a Computer cannot make accusations, and someone

Well yes. Porsche are expensive cars for rich people. They were expensive 50 years ago, and they’re expensive now. That is surprisingly high, I’ll admit, but I’m seeing $800+ leases for a Ford, Kia or Hyundai EV and to me that’s more of a shocker.

Plus tax! And fees.

That’s like renting an apartment. It’s more than my mortgage.

With 10k down I bet too

That was a Lamborghini payment in the before times...A cheap Lamborghini but a Lamborghini nonetheless 

Don’t you mean go back to Cancun?

An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.

It seems like a bad attempt at punching up. People in NV are basically just people who wanted to live in AZ/CA but didn’t have enough money to do it.

The auto industry invented the “automobile accident.”

It does seem like he should have tethered to something, so that even when the scaffold shifted vertical he would not fall to the water.

Still a you problem. No we involved. 

Unless you have 10 kids or drug habit yes you can.

OSHA must being pulling out their hair

The other two I can think of are:

The Mach E GT is a thing: