
This is a silly article, and I’m not sure exactly what point it is trying to prove. Most of these are either expected to be low-volume, or are currently launching. I don’t think calling them the “worst-selling” is fair. It would be more interesting if you posted an article looking at the vehicles with the biggest YoY

The infamous “11 foot 8 Bridge” has things that dangle from a pole which hit your truck if its too tall, but that doesn’t persuade people from not opening their trucks like cans of tuna.

Shouldn’t they have a sign or perhaps a simple wood frame that says if you can’t fit in here, don’t try driving through tree? I mean, if you trust people to use sound judgement, you’re definitely going to run into quite a few cases of people’s cars getting stuck in there.

The stress of dealing with the INS again and again was what made me just take the plunge and apply for citizenship. It was even more stressful a process, but at least finally it is over.

I know, right? In some countries, for a bribe of only about US$20, you can get a passport really quickly.

It’s not just us, though. Waits for passports in Canada are insane, too, and they have some pretty out there requirements. For example you have to get someone who’s known you for at least 2 years and has their own passport to sign as a guarantor, so if you’re estranged from family you can be kind of screwed.

For everyone who says politics don’t matter: Everything is political and you forget it at your peril. Ask this Dad.

You own a car right? You get oil changes right? Replace the tires and brakes when needed. Even more parts as it gets older

That’s a conspiracy theory actually floating around.

From what I could find, it was nowhere near that number for this particular submersible.

No, the 200+ dives are the number that the entire company has performed with all its subs.

No. Like 12 or 13. 

Agreed. That’s the maximum amount of Evil, barring WWII Bayer and Monsanto, that I’ve ever seen.

There’s a way more fun way to clean those roads

Then there’s the flashy color car insurance rate hikes.

These two have the right idea

And yet millions upon millions of people live here and love it!  I hope you leave it or never come here.

The dealer will charge more when you buy one new because it is a “limited color” then offer you less when you trade one it because the color is “hard to sell”.

Insurance is legalised theft... that laws ‘force’ on you...

Counterpoint - uninsured motorist coverage is a HUGE portion of your insurance premium.... 

I live with my mother in her home who does not drive but she has ssi, I am disabled with ssid, and have about 5k cc debt. I carry a full collision insurance policy for my 2006 Mustang GT with Metro Mile because I do not work, I do not drive everyday and so put about 100 miles a month on the beast which already has