
Could have been worse, he could have used Helvetica........

What, no Cybertruck? Any day now, right guys?

Tests for driving aren’t expensive”

By tests I mean things like emissions tests which can be expensive.

I think a lot of former GenII Prius “choice image” buyers have gone toward the model3 or other EVs like Leaf, etc. They have been harping on Toyota to do more for the last 5-10 years.

22 combined is good mpg?

Now playing

Will this be like sitting on the ground?

Here is to hoping that Elon has a similar experience at some point in the future.

Gotcha. A lot of other people don’t seem to realize it, though, in particular local legislators who allow it to happen.

If my delivery man isn’t dying from heat stroke, then clearly they’re not working hard enough.

Barcelona was the same way, 12 metro lines and mostly street parking (which guarantees frequent denting and bumping, Spaniards do not care ab0ut their cars), meant that it was more of an inconvenience. Plus the fact that I could walk to work and renting from El Prat was pretty cheap (at the time).

I have never heard of this. 

Takes some balls to say that. 

Pretty angry aren’t you Alf? LOL.

This is nuts. Someone needs to be sacked.

The sad thing is that the cars are generally pretty great without the self-driving bullshit. But he has to make these transcendent claims to pump his stock and keep the hype train going. I owned a Model 3, it’s great *despite* autopilot, not because of it. 

Corporate America set the bar on the ground. Tesla brought a shovel.

Just reading the headline, first thought “this is how low the bar for good news is these days

It’s a lot safer when your legs are behind the front wheels.

Having owned buses from the 60s and 70s, I figure this is the easiest headline ever written?