
And it was just one race with the Kia while every other one was against the Audi

Crumple zone?

Except that it does need to be there? Crash ratings/safety standards for crumple zones, aero, etc.  You want it to look like a city bus with a flat front end?

Oh I hope it’s not an equal split. I was just inferring that given the amount compared to the number of people involved each person should get a decent amount of compensation for what they had to deal with compared to most settlements where each person gets a $5 off coupon to quiznos.

Hot Take: The wheels are fine.

Wheels are the best part. Still think its a lot of money though.

If you don’t care what you drive, why not? My standard advice to non-car-people friends “whatever Toyota beigemobile fits your needs best”.

As an engineer, I can tell you the answer is NO.

What can I say, I really like the way my keyboard sounds.

What'll make you laugh is where these cars were sold from. Mercury dealerships. Also we usually shorten Mercury to Merc. 

Hey pleebs, it’s time to lose more than half of your tiny “fortunes” again! How’s that 401k/Roth IRA working out for ya? Still empty? Hey, it’s your “personal responsibility” to save money for retirement in a way that is most profitable to Wall Street. Oh you did? But it’s worth less than you put in? Gosh, I’m sorry I

Anyone capable of using Google can also find the probable weight of the Tesla semi, which is likely SUBSTANTIALLY more (like around 6 tons more) than comparable diesel rigs based on the best data available. “Actual data” on the definitive curb weight has not been provided by Tesla. Given that this figure is one of the

They probably would have been more successful if they left the Ford branding on them, but nope, they gave it an all-new foreign-sounding Merkur (mare-kewer) badge. 

See, so irrelevant I didn't get the hyphen in the right place.

bigger, more expensive SUV’s, inflated home prices, hiring freezes/layoffs, and a looming recession.... im trying to think if we’ve ever dealt with this before.

Can you imagine if we ended a company every time their CEO / owner said or did something stupid...

Bad take. GMCs actually sell pretty well and earn serious cash for GM seeing how they are all trucks and SUVs. With minimal investment GM can make essentially styling changes (and a few actual material/option changes) to a Chevy and charge a pretty good premium for it. For the most part, they look better than their

“On top of that, Musk’s idea of a 700 mph vacuum-powered train is literally nowhere to be found in the real world.”

If only there was a way of knowing that this boring company project was a scam.

I just looked at it. Looks like it relies on dealers to participate. The Toyota dealership 5 minutes from me isn’t present here when I search inventory.