
Unless you can see inside, that’s a bold claim. Those trucks CAN fit, but the garage is probably full of dirt bikes, or side by sides, or just a bunch of shit. It’s amazing around me how many 3 and 4 car garage houses have $200k worth of cars parked outside, and I catch a glance inside, and it’s just boxes and shit

I hope your comment gets the attention it deserves. That is a really valid point and have not thought of it that way. 

I have had FSD for a few months (yes I “passed” as a safe driver or something) and this is exactly the right take. Autopilot is a superb highway cruise control and FSD is a 6th grade science project on local streets. (With apologies to innocent 6th graders.) FSD has to be monitored like a flask of volatile chemicals

It’s been extremely refreshing seeing people with no knowledge of the auto industry realizing FSD being allowed on the roads is an abject failure of regulation. Seeing it more often than ever on twitter these days. 

Fuck this. Once they start sending normal people to these places instead of celebrities and richies then I would think it is ok. Even though I think our justice system is a joke and is basically designed to crush people into subhuman beasts I am tired of entitled assholes getting the white glove treatment.

a license suspension for 1 month or 2? He still crash into people and injured 25 of them.... Twenty-Five!

A friend of mine once crashed at 70 mph into a stopped semi and only survived due to modern crash protections; he too had woken up at 5 a.m. to drive to work. The one time I drove nonstop from Miami to Brooklyn, by the time I got to NJ I was too tired to be safe on the road but felt like I had to keep going because I

Those are the words of his attorney, who obviously is trying to paint a nice picture of his client.

Uh.... Driving while drowsy and falling asleep at the wheel IS the responsibility of the driver...

That does make sense (though being a “good kid” has nothing to do with it), it still sucks though and I think he should at least have to go through drivers school and a possible... “he comes from a proud law enforcement family.” -Ah ok then

“....a peace officer.”

An Erin Marquis article without absolutely moronic take? Something doesn’t add up here. 

At this point, we should just be happy “Model 3s, Model Ys” didn’t have apostrophes in them.

1) Fuck off.

The WRX and Impreza are different cars now. And STI is dead as far as we know. 

Overall I like this design — it’s unique and aerodynamic.

Have you ever met people?

How long you got?

And it’d be a used dirt bike and I’d stay off the roads cuz idiots.