
Holy hell is that fast! Its so fast that the video footage looks sped up. Jesus. Ive never heard of this car - what a beast. 

Amazing run! Maybe too quick for the surroundings. I know FOS is supposed to be exhibition but this is serious speeds for only some hay to be protecting the spectators. I’ve never really noticed this before but this thing is just so seriously fast.

Yeah, but you get a state with hundreds of miles of coastline, low humidity, access to major metropolitan areas, maybe some solid infrastructure, and a state level government that is less-overtly trying to destroy it’s citizens.

Hahaha that’s including gas right.

“I am much more interested in the mode so I can see what a majority are paying.”

Not in the US...I’m about 1h15 drive from Nagoya, Osaka and Kyoto... 2400sqft house, which does not include the garage, on a 7000sqft property... Not in the middle of nowhere either 10 minutes drive from a 120.000 inhabitants touristic city by the biggest lake in Japan... My mortgage is currently just under 600$ a

And with two-thirds of Americans apparently living paycheck-to-paycheck

I’d love to know where you folks live where $714-$2800 is a mortgage payment...If only they could be so low where I am...

Don’t forget the classy one where the stripes are bullets in profile and the stars are the back of the bullets. But hey, don’t deface the flag, right?

Funny you went with the Tacoma pic. A buddy of mine picked one up about 2-3 years ago and the first thing he did was put an flag decal on it, specifically a blacked out / silhouette style one. Seems to be a Tacoma thing.

The official vehicle of “I live in a small town and only buy from the local Chevy dealership because Jesus hates foreigners.”

Today it screams “Boomer” or “Cuba” more than “America”

Yes and no. I get one of 2 images in my head. The poodle skirts and the drive-ins, or modern day Cuba

I drive a 2007 V70R. I’d kill for a 37.1 foot turning circle.

This thing looks like it would make a great Lego model. 

Ford’s cost to build the Mach-E increased by $25,000 or increased to $25,000? It has to be the latter.

yeah this was my first thought too. I honestly wonder how much price gouging is going on with gas prices there too.

Lmao you’ve really built up an elaborate fantasy justification for clear failures within Tesla

I think they’d have to prove it was absolutely intentional otherwise half the employees in the country would be facing lawsuits by their employer.

Guys who will buy this love to complain about the cost of fuel. They feel it gives them a talking point to blame Biden.