
5 point safety harness. You do not want to come off the seat,

I wonder if there’s an option to buy the “evergreen.bus” Insta account, as well... :/

Was going to post a Kids in the Hall video that was relevant, but fucking Kinja...

Idiocracy at work!

‘Can’t help you out, I don’t smoke.’

I used to get that all the time when I lived in Columbus, Ohio. I remember one afternoon, riding home from work when some asshole just honks and yells “FAG!!!” as he passes me. And at the time, after the initial shock passed all I could thing is, “is that really all you’ve got?”- I’m riding my bike in German Village,

Well, don’t want to sound like a dick or nothin’, but, ah... it says on your chart that you’re fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit’s all retarded.

They’d probably have a heart attack after the first mile or so.

There is this lane of weird drivers that INSISTS that all cyclists are bad and take it out on them despite them driving a vehicle that is a deadly weapon.

Response: “I’m proud of you for accepting who you are!

I get yelled and honked at pretty regularly when I go for runs or walks. Not sure what the appeal is when you’re not a teenager in a car full of more teenagers, but it’s never that.

I was going to ask this exact question, in a state that keeps talking about people’s rights to own guns.. etc.. why do they care if someone rides a bike? Would it be better if they mounted guns on the thing, or rockets? Honestly.

Small dick energy.

Seconded. Let them deal with the saddle sores.

‘Can’t help you out, I don’t smoke.’

Happens to me when i’m riding all the time for many years. For me, there’s usually someone else in the car to “impress” though. Weirdly, they always yell “fag,” every time.

They need sense beaten into them.

Maybe that’s just his pick-up line.

What the fuck is wrong with these people!?

They need to crush these trucks -