
And just think of all those electronics that are going to fail relentlessly and expensively because BMW

My apartment unit doesnt let us use electricty in our garages either.....but i still ran a thicc ole extension cable to the same socket hiddened away where the garage opener connects to charge my car. it sucks alot of apartments here wont let use charge or have to plans to add any way to let people charge their cars.

Probably not, because if Trump was still president he would never have sanctioned Russia, probably supported them while shit talking Ukraine and pushing NATO not to interfere or supply material.

The children that Hillary Clinton sex traffics, obviously.

Also, they’d certainly be riding bareback.

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

Well of course not if you’re watching Fox News.

I’m sure he has a lot to say about masks and COVID too. It’s funny how something as small as a sticker can tell you everything you need to know about a person.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Fails the basic off-roader test.

Direct Sales are always a convenient way to complain about dealers without realizing that you’re then working directly with a massive corporation instead.

Neat. How were the 50's? 

Lol, no it isn’t “unfair”. Tesla showed this at a semi-public event and let people record it. How is that unfair?

Oh god... he tried to compete using a loophole and then gets caught doing something stupid.  While apologizing for doing stupid thing, he manages to do something even more stupid.  I really hope SOMETHING here can be used as a learning experience for him because otherwise... I agree this would be a dumb way to throw

I don’t understand - this is a hotline for tips, where you can provide the Feds with information related to assets owned by oligarchs in the United States that may be subject to seizure. It’s basically just Crime-Stoppers for billionaires. Why would there be any concerns about talking to the Feds in this case? It’s no

There aren’t that many Russian sanctioned individuals.

I live in LA. I see 99% of cars have one person in them.

So you’re saying what Tom is saying: PPI’s are a good idea sometimes but not always. That it’s dependent on numerous factors.

Oh, you couldnt be more wrong. I got a 9 month old Lincoln CPO that was crashed, bondo’d, repainted and fell off the lift, killed the mechanic, ate its transmission and was straight up possessed. The dealer even stole parts from my car and claimed it never came with the features. Meanwhile it was a 9 month old car