
If you’re brave enough you can!

Assuming they have full tank of fuel, how many commonly bought cars have a 500 mile range? I suppose Camry/Sienna hybrids, but I’m struggling to think of any after that.

People rarely buy the car they need. If most people were honest with themselves a Honda Civic would cover 85% of most people’s daily usage.

As the X-Files prophesied. Trust No One.

This one is very detailed - this one is simpler -

That makes absolute sense. I once bumped into him at the farmers market in Calabasas and if I had to pick an outfit that made me look that bad I couldn’t. 

I agree, I was meaning excluding all the other crap. I found a website that works out all the timing of average security wait times, whether the flight is usually on time, getting through the airport on the other end etc.. Really useful. You can factor in your costs or ticket x time vs. driving time x cost of fuel

I’m with you. If you have the time getting a boat from NY to Southampton in the UK only takes 7 days. My grandma used to do it as she hated flying.

This is not sour grapes at all - but that is the least attractive Veyron I’ve seen. The red wheels look like they’re straight from an Autozone.

Air travel in general is just a necessary evil at this point. Getting through an airport (in the US) is a test of patience for security, then you get ripped off for basic food. A small cup of grapes going through an airport over the weekend was $9.99... The airport is loud, people making queues across walkways, people

LA doesn’t have that humidity problem I suppose. I feel your pain on that.

Depends where you’re going I suppose. My commute by bike is 11 miles each way and that’s from Santa Monica into near Downtown LA. Which is a lump of the whole city.

I cycle everywhere I can in LA but it’s hugely car centric. Most people attending will maybe get an Uber to the station then get the metro to the stadium/event. I think that’s the best we can hope for without a massive overhaul for which there’s no money and no widespread support and therefore zero political will.

I’d love it. I hate sitting in my car. I cycle most places. But you’d be changing the habits of millions of people for a month. There’s not enough political will to get people moving under their own power or using public transport. Public transport in LA is still seen as for poor people. A car is still aspirational.

Did they think no cars meant there would be no NASCAR events?

It’s not purely about the driving - they’re mostly excellent drivers, even Stroll isn’t that far off Alonso as much as people like to hate the nepotism. The drivers have to be great on camera, brand ambassadors and all that crap. Teams have to be squeaky clean in their private lives (Horny Horner aside) and so a ‘safe

Someone is going to get a hell of a deal buying this from the receivers. Most people won’t even know they went bankrupt, and their brand name has so much provenance and cache the brand, factory and workers should in the right hands be fine.

This is the Toyota way. Take it on the chin. Learn from it.

I worked at Toyota at that time when they had that thing in and pulled it apart. It had oil changes every 4500 miles, unbelievably well maintained everything else. Truck basically sat at 75 on cruise control for about 9 hours a day delivering parts in Texas oil fields. The only obvious sign of wear was on the drivers

I know nobody died - but watching the start of the 1998 Spa F1 race where there was a huge pile up (they should never have raced due to volume of rain) - I just assumed half the drivers would have died and they were all my heroes at the time.