
There might be something in that! My local vicar had two sons, one was in rehab last I heard, the other does drag cabaret in Spain...

But the insurance would or should be prohibitively expensive. I assume a 1.5 L max would be circumvented by getting an EV...

We’d have a huge drop if people had to do a UK test. I did mine in the UK and it was genuinely hard. One aspect (which I think has gone now) was reversing around a bend keeping parallel too the curb. That would KO about 70% of Americans. My driving license in Kenya was harder than getting the US one! In the US I drove

I don’t even know how people with a ton of kids afford it, or give their kids the attention they need. Maybe that’s where a bit of God helps them as instead of parenting them they just indoctrinate a fear of being struck down by the man in the clouds.

I completely lucked out and went there in 2007 when they were doing work on the port so only small boats could access it. I arrived from another island. It was a gorgeous place, but everyone I talked to would refer to how it was when The Tourists arrived. We can’t have nice things. 

I’d love this, but the religious types (who have so much power) want everyone to have 15 kids.

No chance.

Leave it in the woods as a scratching post for the bears.

...Lack of self awareness

Only need one buyer and all that. There’s more than enough idiots to go around who want to stand out. A couple of weeks ago in Beverly Hills a green G-Wagon Squared convertible went by me followed by a 6x6 G-Wagon with smoke stack exhausts. 

I fell asleep at car 4

Nah, I just like to use words appropriately. 

He diversified into beers?! Cool

Los Angeles loves ‘street sweeping’ as a way to make parking horribly confusing. Signs will say ‘Westerly direction, 3rd Monday of the month - no parking’. To add insult to injury the street sweepers do almost nothing and actually just blow dust into the air.

I’m no snowflake but I don’t like people invoking ‘Nazi’ needlessly. What they mean is overly strict or bureaucratically stringent.

So you’re telling me this isn’t a Peugout 308?

People hold them with a lot of reverence partly as they were together for so long. I’ve been watching Clarkson on Top Gear (the dry old version) since the late 80s. It’s always going to be hard to rival that.

It was a scripted show with some adlibs.

They will bleed that series on the farm dry. They will go through all possible animals to farm and the audience will have to pretend it’s not all irrelevant as Clarkson is worth $75m+. Amazon are paying him so much money for each series he could set fire to the farm annually and rebuild it and he’d come out in profit.