So: How can we rewrite the rules to prevent the top car from happening again and get us back to the elegance of the second car?
So: How can we rewrite the rules to prevent the top car from happening again and get us back to the elegance of the second car?
Sure. But the aerodynamics are not equal.
An airplane needs enough lift to get it up into the air. It doesn’t need to produce as much lift as possible to push it harder up into the air.
Exactly the line of thought that went through my own head.
Pace notes be like
No Stef, that title is wrong and you know it. They voted against the HALO. There are very few people who don’t want more head protection, but a lot of people who think the Halo is a stupid and a poor solution.
So if this works both ways as you claim, all we have to do is reverse the power and get unlimited tools?
A man was driving in the middle of nowhere down a secluded country road far from any cities. He got a flat tire, and got out to walk for help.After walking for some time, he came to a small stone monastery. He knocked on the door and roused the monks. “I’ve got a flat tire. Can I use your phone?” He asked.
The monks…
They are at maximum track capacity as it is.
Wait, so we are totally dependent on the government to get us to and fro?
Listen, man, when I signed up for this thing, we all swore a blood oath at the Gawker offices to stay as one symbiotic hivemind and here I am, yet again, trying to wrangle back a thinking-for-yourself interloper. Ah well, if you gotta do it right...
So you know how lanesplitting works in São Paulo. You can hear the doppler shift of the crazy bikers going b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b really fast and changing tone as they cross you, almost ripping your mirrors in the process. Hint: they eventually do rip mirrors.
Hans down, this is a great device in saving lives.
They should rebadge as an Alfa Romeo!
Here’s another word for you to look up: futile. As in, trying to explain anything to you.
You know what would be nice? If all this focus and energy spent on developing self-driving cars were shifted to making autonomous buses and making rail services far better than the ones many of us in the 3rd world (and Americans) are beset with, or just plain making public transport better.
But the most expensive mud flaps from Porsche are the ones you ask them not to put on.
....It gets around a track just fine.