And now for the question everybody REALLY is asking: From who did they copied?
And now for the question everybody REALLY is asking: From who did they copied?
The last time they did it (1991), it killed WEC.
Some would be thankful for they sharing knowledge about psychology, so we can be more aware of our behavior.
Others blame the researchers for being wise and using their knowledge.
People should be aware that the guy who got the idea that ignorance is a bless is a complete ignorant.
incredibly expensive unless subsidized
Modified vehicle, modified track.
Toyota uses a V8.
1) The TGV was a higly modified vehicle made only for this test, it had larger wheels, prototypical bogies, less cars, and a modified catenary and power rating all along the track to allow it to reach this speed.
Nope, its the inertia.
The car its going foward, it wants to keep going foward.
Except not.
There is a reason why the La Ferrari, Hyayra, P1, and any other new supercar comes with TC, ABS, stability control and even active aerodynamic devices... (and AWD in case of Lamborghinis).
I think is necessary to say that analog is not the opposite of mechanical, but the opposite of digital.
Eletronics can be analogic or digital, machines, mechanical or electric.
When you say the F40 don't need to keep checkng various things to keep the engine running,m you say the car is not "mechanical" anymore, and it…
Low temperatures decrease the batteries ability to hold energy, but the energy that is still there has to go somewhere else.
Also, liquid nitrogen is too cold, and would transform it into a superconductor (a wire with LITERAL 0 resistance).
Don't want to enter this discussion (that become a kindergarten "argument"), but he has a point.
OK, maybe a F1 with traction control isn't the best measure, but a GP2 isn't also.
Lap-n-park (i think you meant Start-And-Park) drivers (and teams) are just teams that are working out to make money to actually do a race, so they rarely crash AND can increase the grid later.
Nissan "Something": A car so good that you really want to take the train
If someone hack the telemetry, the only thing it can do is see the status of the engine/car.
The cars only send info to the pit, not receive, so there is no use for it (apart from cheating, anyway)...
140 km/h or 140 mph?
140 km/h is something close to 100 mph
There is also the fact that behind the 2 leaders there will be a DENSE spray, covering the entire track (and remember that we're talking about 200 mph), so its almost as logical as racing with the windshield covered...
LMP1 cars weight 300 kg more than F1s, and are JUST 5s slower than F1 cars.