
They are. Even the creator said so.

Late reply. He was always going to die.

We watched this way too much back in the day. 😄

Michael was always going to die. He actually was supposed to die way before S3. Straight from the creator's mouth. "Last breath" was said in S1: E10 J/R are supposed to be typical telenovela couple.

Which is crazy.

I like him and with Petra. She acts human with him.

I forgot about that. But it's not the same as the last two big weddings the show has done.

Meant to be but also a choice.

No! 😄 l prefer him with less facial hair, short hair and clothes that fit. I want that look back in S4.

A lot actors contracts have specific number of episodes they appear in. She wasn't a series regular but a recurring then seemed​ like a guest star.

I just noticed that the only person who has had a birthday on JTV was Jane. Christmas is the only holiday they celebrated and it was once. A show like this can do many great episodes centered around a holiday.

I liked​ him on the show but am I did only one thinks he could play Christian Bale's brother in a movie?

Which is going to feel strange, even though they were annoying at times.

Thank God this season is over. It was not good. Can the speed force erase it too? S2 or 3 haven't topped S1. Maybe DeVoe actually lives up to the hype?

This was an action packed episode. That Camdus storyline did not finish and the big bad switched too many times. First it was one thing, then it was another. Jeremiah is still MIA. That storyline was dropped. Bless the budget so there can be more fights like SG/SM one. It's too soon for marriage. Sometime you're just…

We want them together because that's one the series main plotlines along with other things. The series started with that. The ones who don't want together seem to want a totally different show than the one presented onscreen. Jennie(the series creator) said S4 will feature a love triangle/square.

Chuck is still out there.

Alba? No one got married in S1.

They will drag it out at least until late S4, early S5.

It's fated they will end up together. J/R. There are many OTP I'm not a fan of but I also accept that it's going to happen. I've been a fan of this OTP since the start, so I'm okay with this one.