
Yes and the writers forgot so does Rafael.

I knew they were going to have a love square next season. Look, a show like this lives for triangles/squares to keep OTP apart until they finally get together for good. The writers changed Rafael's legal standing when it comes to the hotel. In S1 it was mentioned onscreen that he used his trust fund to buy a share.

Please no K/J again. SG S2 treated James the same way the Flash has treated Iris for 3 years. The Guardian storyline didn't even help. Where's Jeremiah? He just upped and disappeared. Cadmus didn't even finish it's storyline. Alex asked Meggie to mary her. Moving a little too fast, aren't we. This was an action packed

She wants him.

"When I think of family, you're the one I see." ♥ I rate this episode an "A" because a lot of great moments through out. I loved it. It all the things that make JTV great. First it was Rafael now it's Jane.

They were endgame since the pilot. J/R. They never got that chance to be friends. They're second go around will be better. Even on OTH, Lucas and Peyton became friends.

They will end up together. She didn't reject him. He broke up with her, she had to move on with life. She went back to what she knew. She married Michael, Rafael had to move on with life. He went back to what he knew.

Petra and Raf are not going to end up together. The show is not about them. They're not endgame. Never was.

Luisa shares scenese with Rafael in the finale.

We already have one. It's called "Empire."

Damn. 😂

Create the meme : )

I don't watch LOT but how are they going to explain next week's episode?

I don't understand how you Iris fans can be happy with the way they write her. I would be pissed if she were my favorite. 3 freaking seasons! Another thing. No, writers, Iris did not fall in love with Barry when they were kids. He was her best friend and that's it. He became something more by the end of S2.

It's not that kind of show. It's based on a telenovela and is a homage to telenovelas. It's one of the most unique shows on American television.

Nothing terrible will happen to Jane in the finale. I say Jane because if something bad happens to Ro it's something bad happening to Jane b/c he's her father. Jennie said after 2 finales of bad things happening to Jane, S3F will be different.

Tje CW is why it doesn't get any big Emmy attention.

Rafael was adopted. His birth parents are Italian.

He wouldn't know about all the stuff he speaks on.

Many families are open in that way. Every family is their own thing. Also Xo was 16 when Jane was born.