
Remember the Luthor mansion on SV? It’s on that level. lol

That woman is a treasure.

Wait, you think J/R are over? This is a telenovela. The main couple deals with all kinds of crazy shit before the end.

True. She can afford the best lawyers in the world. But we have to remember this is the same rich woman who didn’t have an army of lawyers on speed dial. That’s more unrealistic than a dude becoming back from the dead. Oh, she also kept shoes with a broken heel. Yeah, Petra’s actions are totally unrealistic even for

I’m a J/R shipper and I’m not shaking at all. Their entire relationship fits the telenovela main couple trope. They’re endgame. I don’t care about Michael 2.0

To be fair it’s not 1st degree murder. Anezka threatened her kids. Don’t fuck with people’s kids.

I’m not even threatened by Mikey. The whole thing is ridiculous because his death doesn’t even fit the trope but I can see why Jennie did it. As unnecessary as it is. Michael was boring as fuck after S1, so I hope he really does have a new lease on life. If it’s actually him. Things were going too good for Jane &

TS was amazing. I had no idea that many ridiculous reality shows existed until I watched a new episode of the Soup. I knew about crazy ass soap opera storylines. “The Soup” made me want to watch a telenovela. We laughed our asses off while watching that show.

I mentioned this somewhere else. Rogelio is getting all of these storylines while Xo is just being pushed into the background.

But she didn’t and would have regretted it big time. She’s different now. She even felt guilty after having sex for the first time with her husband. Her fling with Fabian really kicked off Jane being more open.

She wasn’t sex positive like she is now. Old Jane would have never had a fling with a guy or with a guy she just ran into again. Or ran over to a guy’s place to have sex. Not old Jane. She’s way more open now.

Lord, don’t let them be villains. I cannot take it anymore! He needs non evil family members. Too many evil family members.

She grew as a person. I love how sex positive she is now. Old Jane would have never been like this. She changed and it’s a good change.

They finally had sex and accepted each other’s flaws! I loved the S1 flashbacks. They have moved past that.  Look, the no sex part was a running gag at this point. Damn, it not being HBO! But that short part wasn’t bad. It was sexy. TPTB hire the most adorable babies. Baby Mateo, babies Elisa & Anna, baby, Baby are

Jane did love Michael but he was never the endgame. JTV isn’t the first show to do this.

All 3 of those almost stories were funny. Especially when fantasy Rafael kept mentioned Mateo. Mateo is a fucking brat but I love it. Jane actually said she wants a big house and a boat. She could be very annoying about money in the past but she sees how Rafael’s money made their child’s life easier. Xo is too old to

Nope! Everyone has slept together except them! But I see it finally happening this season. Yes, I’m ready! IDC who knows. lol

I forgot to add this. The show just did the most unrealistic thing ever. A rich person who doesn’t have an army of lawyers! That’s fucking ridiculous.

I’m going let my ship flag fly freely! I loved all J/R scenes, including the fighting. But that last scene is on my favorite ship moments list. The entire episode was good. How can Ro be a stay at him dad if he’s in debt? But TV. I loved Ro & Ro’s therapy scenes. We learn things we never knew. I loved Xo talking about

lol Star Labs makes no money. They spend whatever Barry inherited like water. Also the roof still isn’t fixed! TPTB continues to fail her character.