
And doesn't Jamie come from that background?

She spoke english before.

Yes, a porn confession. Chuck is JP, so no Chuck in S4 and I liked him. Based on next week's preview, Jane may not even have sex and I wanted her to. I already knew about Ro/Xo. No more will they, won't they.

I don't hate it, just disappointed by it.

I doubt she's going to murder somebody. Who has Savitar kill so far this season? Other than a version of Iris which doesn't count. She's not dying.

We knew this already. Of course it was not going live up to the hype. And the storyline doesn't make sense.

Youre drinkng too much moonshine if you think it's not one.

I never read the book. I've only seen the movie. Since you read the book do think another film should be made?

It's the G rated version of the book. I'm still going to watch it when I'm in the mood but everything old isn't a masterpiece.

But most won't admit Tim Curry is the single greatest thing about the tv mini series.

Can we stop pretending the 1990 version was the greatest of all time? Yeah, it's one of my favorites but TC had the best role, part one was better than part 2, it couldn't go too far because it was tv and it left things out.

He's dead. Like really, really, really dead.

No more "will they, won't they" with Xo/Ro. So after 3 years that ship is steady. I actually like it. Alba was cute with her date. The lust glow is new. It's usually the heart, love glow. The man Jane will spend the rest of her life with is already on the show. The Raf/Petra thing will probably go into S4. It won't

Whitewashed a latina? Many Latinos are white. Kara is an immigrant.

Well, you would have to go through my mom first. lol

What about him being honored at City Hall? That's still on the future board.

I don't remember him flirting with anyone in S1.

It was funny. It wasn't uncomfortable.

They claim S4's big bad won't be a Speedster but I don't believe them. Watch Godspeed appear in S4. If not S4, S5.

I actually like Mon-El. But I want him to be hero because he wants to be not because of Kara. This season dropped the ball when it comes to the big bad. Mrs. L is MIA and now Mon-El's mama is evil. There are only 5 episodes left. I'm also getting tried of these long 22/23 episode seasons.