
I think it just needs to make a 100 mill + overseas to get a sequel. That's the new standard, right?

Watch it turns out to be GS. If not doing S4, by the end of S4.

I ship Kara/Barry in an AU because they're disgustingly adorable. Their chemistry is amazing.

Nope. I like musicals but not this episode. Way too cheesy for even the Flash and Supergirl. It just wasn't the kind of fun I thought it was going to be.

The last time I was excited about the next episode was doing S1 and S2A. I'm clearly not a J/M shipper. Now, I could deal with solo Michael. This show is not called Michael The Virgin. He wasn't a character who would totally change the show with his death. But I can understand his fans missing him.

Of course I'm glad isn't wasn't Jane because it's too early. But hell I would take Raf & Bruce over R/P lol I know it won't last but that's not a ship I want to see for even one episode much less 5 or whatever before TPTB kill it. Like I said I liked Petra & Chuck. But I don't know if they can get over bones. But I

Sadly, she's just a love interest on this show.

Both were 19 when they first appeared on the show. I think Wally was 18.

But he's the only man fast enough… Oh, wait. That hasn't been true since the pilot.

I wish they weren't endgame because the stuff you listed but I accepted it a long time ago. I know she's not going anywhere. Too bad she's Iris because another show can use the actress way better.

AoS should be 13 too.

13 episodes is perfect for a series.

It's common and an old tradition. I never had a problem with it. I view as asking for their blessing.

But, but WestAllen!

Wait, when was that said?


Well, this was better than that supposed to be epic but wasn't, 2 part Grodd episode. This was darkest episode yet. A lot of dark Zoom stuff failed last season. Next week looks dark too. Savitar is really the owner of Jitters. He/She is fed up with Metas destroying his/her shit.

Jimmy's back but he barely did anything. I heard he will get his chance again as the season goes on. That Superman line was corny. Kara will get her job back. I'm not familiar with Kara's comic book life. Was Supergirl always the mask or was it said because DC was in the episode?

She didn't love Michael more. She loved Michael because they were together. Just like she loved Raf when they were together. And if we go back to S1. She was more heartbroken over Rafeal than her break up with Michael. But she loves whoever she's with at that moment like the rest of us.

Better make that dentist appointment : ) But seriously, they're not hooking up this season. Even as a pro J/R fan, I don't want it to happen this season. Jane will date other people. Raf should date other people.