
I agree with the first part of your comment (these MCU films function like individual buddy movies, chases and fights for mcguffin), but I think that’s what is about to change (the people who go see a james bond promising chases and fights, even with a space excursion, may be not interested in a movie about all the

Yeah, it’s ironic, considering that one show that this site praised to death, The Good Place, ended up being so good because its creator planned exactly how it was going to end long in advanced.  

I think Monica flew into the “bubble” on a SWORD copter but once you enter the bubble you are automatically rejiggered to conform to the reality Wanda is creating - so the helicopter turns into a toy, Monica becomes one of the townspeople - although her training and/or recent induction allows her to remember the real

Yeah I just looked it up. Much more direct than I remembered. Mark Millar, Ladies and Gentlemen. 

Is it me or has superspeed not been part of Vision’s power set? Is Wanda conflating her two greatest losses: Pietro and Vision?

Ironically, here in Britain, we may have been the most insulated from American sitcoms - I’ve heard of these, but never seen any of them. Oh, except the Munsters. [we also had Sergeant Bilko]. We had a huge backlog of our own nostalgic sitcoms to pump out!

The Harts ask their hosts mundane questions about their pasts, and tension builds as it becomes clear they can’t answer. The mood shifts from Sherwood Schwartz to David Lynch when Mr. Hart starts to choke at the table while Mrs. Hart, whose smile remains eerily frozen, demands that her husband “Stop it!” Wanda calmly

If there’s not a Stark Toaster available for sale by mid-November, an entire department at Disney is getting fired.

I think the heart of the complaint with this dynamic in movies is less that it’s unrealistic and more that it’s a double standard.  You see a lot of movies where Seth Rogen is imagined to be able to get Charlize Theron and basically no movies where Melissa McCarthy gets Ryan Reynolds and that this double standard

When you’re a woman with your own money and power, being supportive and loving is way more valuable in partner. You’re trying to run shit and deal with the patriarchy, you don’t have time to baby a man who has been told he is “important.” Those dudes are exhausting. 

Woman here. Can attest I have most definitely dated guys/been attracted to guys that people close to me have been like “Really? Him?” in the looks department. It’s actually kind of fun to watch people get embarrassed for being shallow when you explain what drew you to the guy in the first place that has nothing to do

Kindness is general has to be the most underrated characteristic for men and women. It’s so rare to find someone who is genuinely kind and thoughtful, and it is so attractive as a quality.

I’m kind of tired of the “he could never get a girl that hot!” complaint, frankly. I know a few schlubby doofuses who have managed to punch way above their weight class, romantically, because despite their screaming need for a Fab Five makeover, their humor gets them in, and their honesty wins them over.

I feel like the question that was never answered in this review was: does the dancing make it worth it? Is the dancing at least good?

Would some say it's loonie? 

Now playing

To be fair, that was a pretty good video from the ancient times (four years ago).

Anyone else get the feeling that this is almost “Wes Anderson meets the X-Men”?

It is, but Legends has done a nice job showing how it can be fun to have the adults leave the team & suddenly the kids/ inmates are running the asylum

Politics Corner discusses the Two Americas problem. This isn’t about a red and blue America, it’s about the very rich and not rich America. The failing New York Times published an exhaustive report about how Trump blatantly lied over and over again about that whole ‘small million dollar loan from his dad he turned

Captain America & The Winter Soldier, by Gregg Araki