
This is 100% a move for the future/others, and Scarlet may be the figurehead here but it’s almost certainly powered by her agent(s). The agents want their clients to make more money so they make more money.

Two things:

I do wonder why Julie even thought that video would be damning for Zoya. The rich kids on this show are portrayed as rebellious and openly against authority, like how they get their teachers regularly fired, so wouldn’t the whole “f**k school” thing have Zoya gain brownie points with her peers?

I think one of the big reasons why student teacher relationship/grooming storylines rarely work in teen shows is because the vast majority of the time, the kids are being played by 20 somethings, and as a result the power imbalance ends up not being effectively communicated. Like with Riverdale, the show’s writing was

Ah Detective Catholic Rage. He’s an icon.

I’m throwing my hat in here for Bo Burnham: Inside. I need more people to see it so that my new references will make sense.

1. You don’t understand why someone might have an attitude besides “I’m OK, so fuck other people”?

Except, as the two PhDs in the interview patiently explained, your odds aren’t zero, and if you live in a hotspot then they’re even further from zero. Now, most people will risk very low odds and be well within their rights to do so. But saying you’re totally safe and it’s “time to start livin’” isn’t true for someone

My guess? That attitude of not trusting other people, often for good reason, has likely kept those people safe for more than a year. It’s hard to let go of that at the drop of a hat because we’re not perfectly rational beings.

One can still appreciate Buffy (and other things Whedon was involved in making) while also acknowledging how Whedon is toxic. There were a lot of other artists involved in the making of those projects.

I completely agree, this was one of the best pilots that I have seen in a while. But I am not surprised by this since I have liked or loved pretty much everything Whedon has done.
I understand that not everyone can or want to separate the work from the artist though.

I mostly agree - a lot of people are involved in making a TV show, and dismissing the whole thing because the guy in charge was a bad person minimizes the contributions of all those other people. My one quibble is that sometimes these sorts of revelations make elements you’d otherwise be able to overlook more glaring

Alot of what this review had a negative reaction to is what I liked. I like overfull stories, I like snappy dialogue, I like exposition. The rest of the negative criticism just sounded like more “blah blah this guy we’ve been trying to convince you is a paragon of feminism even though you could totally tell he wasnt

Well said--and I agree completely.  And maybe my reading of this review is unfair and the critic would have been as harsh on all the Whedonisms regardless, but...  (Having watched the first episode, I personally didn’t feel they were as prominent as this review did anyway, though admittedly a lot of his influence has

I remember there was a Buffy week on the AV club shortly before Kai Cole’s public declaration about him, and the site switched gears pretty fast without any real acknowledgement of the disconnect.

A corollary of people overlooking shitty behavior of artists they like is this trend of people acting like someone who is

I admit that I got tired of a lot of the Joss Whedon tropes mentioned here at least fifteen years ago. Still, I have to wonder if the huge amount of disdain for anything seen as a Whedonism in this wouldn’t have been here if this review had been made 3 or even 1 year ago... Even though I think he deserves everything

I mean Darren Starr’s Emily in Paris proved a huge pandemic success and it was essentially the least appealing parts of Younger all meshed together, so you’re not wrong...

I fucking loved Selfie, but all anybody really saw of it was the name and the ill-advised gross-out gag from the pilot.

Strong disagree on the Goblin being “paper-thin.” One the great things about the first Raimi Spiderman is it does such a great job of jumping back and forth between two different origin stories.

The White Rabbit Project did a segment on Carmichael and the Dale a few years ago when digging into cons, scams, and schemes. It’s a fascinating story.