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    I’m throwing my hat in here for Bo Burnham: Inside. I need more people to see it so that my new references will make sense.

    Just had to pop in to encourage everyone to watch Inside. Do it. Seriously.

    No, babe. That’s dangerously untrue and you’re the reason people don’t want to go to public spaces. Just stop it. At least wear a mask to respect the needs of others for crying out loud.

    I want to give you perhaps a different perspective here. The global pandemic will wax and wane in various different places and different times. No reasonable person would base a decision on how many layers to wear one morning based on the global weather situation and we should think of the pandemic similarly.

    Selfie was seriously underrated. It came out during the same year as two other rom com tv shows that were immediately cancelled - Manhattan Love Story and A to Z both of which were also rather charming and had promise but I think all of this kind of fare does better in the streaming landscape than on prime time tv.

    I just want to echo this 1000000%. Emily in Paris: Younger but much much worse.

    So I just watched this and I gotta say - I really enjoyed it. But I can’t say I ever really tired of Joss Whedon’s work (I’m not talking about him as the person but his stories) exactly. I might have taken issue with one thing or another but... I genuinely don’t mind it being exactly what it appears to be - a

    No, they’re called The Touched in the show. I don’t know why the review referred to it differently. “Turns” is the term used to refer to their abilities.

    But that’s the thing - it wasn’t clear at the outset what it was. If it was just a pastiche sitcom, that would have been fine. However, the show made it clear that it was more than that. The YouTube video I was referring to by the way wasn’t about this show. It was about sitcom formats in general and reading and

    Hard disagree. The thing that makes MCU movies work outside of the core Avenger movies is that each movie is told fairly simply in a way where even if you haven’t seen any other movies in the universe, the individual dynamics are built and come to make some sort of sense.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. None of this is the actual problem though Hughes gets close to it.

    So I think the cultural imperialism of Western media in the mid 20th century makes these throw backs more relatable world-wide than you might think. I have parents from central Africa and they’re very well acquainted with The Flintstones, I Love Lucy, Bewitched etc. Even though not everything made the transition, I


    I can get with you on that. It’s true that there is definitely a double standard across the industry. I just also lament the idea men decide that “in the real world, women are too shallow for that” because it’s just not true! I’d like to see Leslie Jones bag a Hemsworth in a movie (the closest I’ve ever seen is Isn’t

    I’m so glad we’re giving this movie cred right now. It’s up there with Down with Love as one of my favourite, well-executed rom-coms. Down With Love is - yes - rather absurd but that’s what I love about it. And this is a little more down to earth. Also, as a woman who works in politics, any female politician who looks

    I can say confidently, the dancing is very very good. They went with ballet talent before acting talent and it shows

    So is this show good? No. But I’m in the third episode and it’s a lot of FUN drivel. The characterization is a mess, everything is confusing; but it’s never boring, has the bourgeois patina of GG, and is ALWAYS sexy. Frankly... in pandemic season, at the end of the day, this kind of thoughtless escapism is exactly

    I’m calling it - Jimmy has a kid in this future. It looks like there are toys in the back seat, and there’s a part of me that thinks the flash forward is WAY forward and that this is Jimmy and Gretchen’s kid but Jimmy’s got a second one with someone else.

    Ever watch Gossip Girl? Because its just following the foot steps of other CW shows.

    Just came back from the movie