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    Ashley Graham makes a whole lotta sense because even she says it’s black women who’ve been making those curves hot for all of time she just lucked into having them too.

    At the end of that movie I said out loud to the people I was with, “Well. That was one black ass movie. I love it. Same time next Tuesday?”

    I feel like that’s literally what this show is for - take characters that people liked but never really fit on their respective shows and give them space to shine. As great as Sara was, I don’t know that she could’ve helped the constant accusation that Arrow was too dark until she found a brighter side of life again -

    It’s not that it’s easy - it’s that not talking about it is MUCH harder. My mom was pretty sheltered so we didn’t have these conversations so much as my mom would tell me that I needed to tell her where I was going and when I’d be home. My mom never explicitly said “don’t drink or do drugs” but she did tell me that

    So, let just acknowledge that that couldn’t have been Plan B - it would have to have been the abortion pill. Because the device dings to indicate that she’s pregnant but Plan B can’t be used after you’re pregnant and be effective - it must be used within the first 72 hours.

    I kept on hoping that they would live up to the promises that the first season made and that they might eventually learn from their mistakes. My personal least favourite mistake, how they kept on bludgeoning us over the head with their thesis: “Give x their best chance” “I will always find you/family always finds each

    When you’re Beyonce and you have that kind of money, you don’t take a cameo in a movie for the money - you do it because you want to be a part of that specific movie. All I’m saying is that if you’re Kevin Feige and Beyonce says, “I want in,” your answer should and would immediately be, “Yes. Let’s see how we’re going

    I smell a Buffy inspired musical episode!

    This was good. I approve.

    With that gorgeous apartment in a major city in the US and a cop for a dad and a CSI for a husband... Yeah, Iris can’t afford any of this shit. What does she do?!?! Everyone else has a day job - except her.

    Bingo! You got it - it’s No. 3!!! Which is infuriating. That said, in my experience, men tend to get violent when they find out this kind of information about women they care about and it does make the women try and protect them from the consequences of that. I wish they’d done more to emphasize the moral of the story

    Okay, so I’ll do this backwards:

    Here’s the thing, dude - you don’t speak for all black people. You’re inability to see that one of the most important parts of his legacy needed to be that he didn’t just defend black people but build bridges with them, is a huge problem. His walking a fine line is the reason that we will have another black president

    Let’s say you’re right - dudes are dumb and they do shitty things. Then isn’t the whole point of this conversation to teach dudes to be less shitty to women? Like, in the same way that we all think it’s morally repugnant to cheat on a person you’re in a committed relationship with, I think we can and should also be

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Touché

    I’m just really glad I’m not the only one who heard “3 small words” and immediately went, “Oh my god! Josie and the Pussycats!!!”

    And Dave Chapelle did one last year in, I think, the best episode of SNL that season.

    *Note: Wentworth Miller isn’t the only openly gay one in that duo. Russell Tovey is also out and proud so each of the gay people in that couple is play by an actor who is also gay.

    I get what you’re saying, but they literally never tried to make it an epsisode of The Flash. That’s not what it is. Every promo, ad and interview has made it clear that all four shows are going away for a week to present Crisis on Earth X - a miniseries event. To be upset that this episode isn’t an episode of The

    Mistake to have given up on Legends. It is, as of now, the most consistently entertaining one of the bunch. And I’m definitely not alone in that opinion.