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    As a note: I think that it’s a mistake to view these episodes as episodes of the shows the characters belong to so much as episodes of Crisis on Earth X. I think the promos and the team did a fairly solid job of selling it that way too. We were warned that these would not be 4 episodes of 4 tv shows but 4 episodes of,

    What I liked about the hookup is that even though they’re the only two women into women there, it doesn’t feel forced or contrived because of COURSE they’d be attracted to each other. They actually represent a lot of the best qualities of their respective exes.

    Absolutely. I definitely don’t think she has to have a kid now, it’s just an interesting little corner they’ve kind of put themselves in.

    I don’t know that I like Mon-El... But he’s hot and I don’t dislike him. Moreover, I’m SOOOOOOO tired of the inability of anyone on this show to actually maintain a relationship. We don’t need this. Be together, don’t be together, pick one because I’m tired. Especially after she passed up on Jimmy with no real

    Riiight. Also, if Thawne didn’t kill Barry’s mom, who did in this timeline?

    Yeah! Cause they’re cold people. Obviously. Get it?

    Yeah, I’m pretty far down the rabitt hole in terms of what I consider rape, but honestly, I just don’t see it here. Your argument hangs on forcibly changing his perception - but that’s not what she did. She didn’t put a spell on him, she put a spell on herself. I’m a little troubled with the implications here because

    I also thought that it was refreshing to watch a tv show where the main female character had - you know - friends and was actually attempting to live a healthy, balanced life. The insistence on dating a slew of white men like that just got old so fast.

    AND Peter was the best inversion of type that the show had. He was both immature and extremely nurturing and wise when it came to his friend’s relationships. Also, there are so many things that have happened this season that it’s hard to believe that Peter wouldn’t show up for given how and why he just popped up in

    Is it just me or is Dibny basically Hot Jim Carey?

    Right, but I thought that they were all dumb an unnecessary stereotypes. This is just another one.

    I’m surprised no one brought up Jane the Virgin. That title definitely had me super turned off at first.

    I was wondering if I was the only one who was a little sick of the overly stereotypically racialized (or other-used) musical cues. Even what they did to the theme song was like, “Oh! Black People! Bongo drums!”

    That doesn’t make sense. I feel all economic wrongs have been righted, then there are no have nots and insurance becomes so much cheaper for everyone because everyone’s is getting preventatives care.

    The Return of the Mack motif in this episode was AMAZING. It was funny and I just kept jamming along and if for no other reason (that, and that Arthur Darvill is always an excellent addition to this show) I significantly approve of this episode.

    She’s dead on the Magicians so even though that wasn’t possible a little while ago, it is now.

    True! I forgot that. I was thinking about it through Emma and Snow. So... we’re both right. Because this show is crazy.

    I feel like this show is going to go very South Side Story. And it will be great.

    Remember - we don’t actually know the real point system, just the one that Vicky and Michael have put up. Our 4 main characters have serious work to do on themselves to deserve “The Good Place”. So it could potentially be a learning centre of sort - a testing ground for a program where people are taught to improve

    With regards to the apartment, I wasn’t talking about Iris and Barry’s apartment but the apartment in the opening scene of the episode.