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    There’s one thing that kind of irked me here:

    3 thoughts:

    What I mean by it being cheap is that maybe the way that it was made in terms of the programming involved a technique that makes it extremely easy to superimpose into just about anything. The staff for Doctor Strange would have had way more resources to develop the specific effect and/or program.

    Yeah, I was pretty compelled by the pilot. I had a lot of problems with it but it intrigued me enough to make me watch the next episode immediately after. And there’s nothing wrong with that - this isn’t a tv show made for broadcast it’s made for Netflix. That’s okay.

    Is there anyway to get a discussion post or something going around here? Just watching the second episode and though it’s addressed some of my concerns, I love seeing what other people think. And everyone knows that comment sections that aren’t on the AV Club are full of the worst parts of the internet.

    I was thinking the same thing!!! And I asked myself why that would be and then I realized that they’re all Disney. I’m guessing that the special effect was developed for Doctor Strange but that the way it was made made it cheap and easy to plug into anything they wanted to. That’s the only explanation that I have.

    Private school in the UK is called public school (so maybe that’s it?) .

    I’m always in for Jonathan Groff. I’ve had an embarassing crush on him for a while now - embarassing because he’s gay but I just can’t kill that crush.

    I’m actually also really interested in Oliver being a Dad. For a bunch of reasons.

    He seems to be showing good judgment so far with Felicity. And I’m hopeful it will continue because I think the writers have heard from the fans that it’s enough already - contriving issues in their relationship just takes away from the development of either of those characters and no one wants to see it.

    Quick note:

    Sure. But that didn’t make the robots presence any less groan-worthy during the episode. As far as I’m concerned, the villain of an episode shouldn’t be laughable and then become somewhat justified in the final moments of the entry. I just think it was poorly executed.

    Oh no, this is Rip Hunter. He totally let Mick have all of that stuff. If he didn’t, he would have tried to find those things because obviously it would create a shit ton of anachronisms if he accidentally just left that technology in the past. Also, the look on his face when the team went back into action - he kind

    This was not a good episode. There are things I’m glad we got over with, but it’s like every single second of this episode contained a cliche that I’ve seen a million times. And that samurai thing sounded like something out of Arrow with his Bane-lite voice and an incomprehensible need to deal specifically with The

    Fair assumption - Florida is pretty awful - but no. I’m not from Florida. Just think that heaven wouldn’t judge people based on the place of their birth.

    Dud works well here. For sure.

    Yeah, I feel like every positive thing I feel about Bree is because I love Roger and want him to be happy. Like when Roger steps out of that cab, I was like a) Yes! Go get her, Roger! You go be your romantic, open-hearted self!

    Not based on a small similarity. I have literally never before compared anyone to Dan Humphrey. I swear on all I hold dear.

    Just catching up on Shield so I decided to take a look at the av club review and... well, hun, I really really really hope you’ve stopped this whole thing. If you’ve been talking to your therapist, one of the first things they will have told you is that its unhealthy to hold onto things that you can’t control. But

    Really? I didn’t get that. I was so confused as to where there was a new Alice and a new Cinderella but old Rumplestiltskin. And why? I’m just so confused!