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    Me too.

    I find that particularly funny because its the Ivys for Christ’s sake. They’re as upper-class conservative as they come as institutions.

    Two main observations:

    Same ones. Just cursed. Again.

    Yeah, the step-brother is a senator and when Alex goes over to see his step-dad last episode (when the invention was still under the table), he’s given some food and then Alex asks something like “Did mom make this?” “Yeah.” “Still awful”

    Yeah, there’s something to be said about pacing flashbacks out over multiple episodes. Like, watching Frank slowly lose his sanity over the course of almost 2 seasons is why I cared so much when their relationship wasn’t working - I wouldn’t have cared if it were just 15 minutes at the top of an episode.

    I just find this show so heart-warming and earnest. The step-dad and the step-brother are loving in their particularly obnoxious way; Alex continues to be close with his daughter over the course of time; and in general, it’s the kind of comedy where the problems don’t involve facing an evil caricature. Sure, some

    Man, everyone on this thread is ON it.

    I think part of the reason pilots suck is because they can’t do it all in 22 minutes or less. I think back to watching The Good Place last year and I wonder what would have happened to that show if it hadn’t been allowed to air the first two episodes at once.

    ... A sequel?! Why? For who? Who asked for this?!?!

    Can confirm - as someone who never read the books, this was revealed at the end of last season.

    I don’t think it was about reminding anyone of rape so much as it was about the combined almost Shakespearean tragedy - at this point, Jamie probably thinks that gay men are sadistic rapists and Grey thought that this person who lost the love of his life and listened to his own story of loss with compassion didn’t

    Looking back at it now, I think it might have something to do with character growth. A character can't actually be interesting and start off without some sort of obvious but intriguing flaw. When those people do exist, they tend to take on some sort of "mentor" role or generally not exist as a character in their own

    For sure. I really really hope they heard their fans and understood why we liked season 1 and why we hated season 2.

    Note to the author: It says what the premiere date is at the end of the video - October 11th.

    Yeah, I think spoiled 30-something who spent her whole life coddled and is taking way too long to learn that in the real world, she's not all that special is far more apt.

    Oh yeah. Stay off the main page of The AV club for the next few days. It's on there right now.

    You and I shall have to disagree. Either way, The Doctor always has a sense of mischief and levity. It's one of the reasons why the beginning of Capaldi's run had a lot of people annoyed.

    Lol. No. Broadchurch was a Chris Chibnall production from top to bottom. It's like it was his baby.

    1 season. He only lasted 1 season.