
The Hunt For The Trump Tapes’ starring Tom Arnold. With special guest appearance by Geraldo live from the site of the old Lexington Hotel.

Tom Arnold is promoting his VICE tv show ‘The Hunt For The Trump Tapes.’

I think they won’t ever torture her onscreen due to her age, at least I hope! Although I wonder if Nick is dead (or soon to be) what Gilead or the Waterfords will do with her. Marry her off elsewhere maybe? I mean, Nick didn’t love her and was clearly uncomfortable with the whole arrangement but she was making out

I felt like that scene was overshadowed by the others. It was devastating, though.

While this kind of cruel set up is entirely within Commander Waterford’s wheelhouse, I think such a plan would have included a very specific order to collect his pregnant Handmaid and bring her home unharmed. He might be pissed the baby isn’t his, but he’s got many good reasons to keep up appearances. He’s very high

Counterpoint: the show, while certainly not perfect, was and is still better than average, and occasionally is very good.

I agree that the trigger-happy guards just happening to show up at this remote mansion seemed contrived...

You were totally on with that. Hard to mistake the bricks & windows.

Outside of the portrayals of the rest of the cast, how much is the characterization of Roseanne Connor and Rosanne Barr that much different? Connor just has the edges sanded off to make it palatable for TV.

This is going to be REALLY controversial, but I’m gonna name Wes Anderson. He has an impeccable eye and sense of design and style, but at the expense of anything approaching warmth or spontaneity, because it is all so designed and arch and calls attention to itself, and more and more he has become wrapped up in

“I’m supposed to be this great detective”

See also: “Auntie” Kim, “TiTi” Kim.

My immediate reaction was, “Wait, where’s “Aunt Kim?!” and then I awarded myself 10 points for knowing the super-secret real black answer. Only two women can be called “Grandma,” but don’t you try to call someone 25 years your senior “cousin.”

I must protest, sir!

Yes — this really matters.

Vital, like food and water? Maybe not. But taking young black kids to see a movie that glorifies Africa instead of defaming it, and features an awesome noble black hero they can look up to, and represents them in media that they love? That’s not a bad thing.

Then you have bad opinions 🤷🏻‍♂️

Lol no. WonderWoman was amazing.

Me: We are GOING to see Black Panther.

Been great three episodes in. Well worth a watch