
Wow. I live about 40 minues away from the path of totality and we’re driving into it on Sunday afternoon. You’ve inspired me to get my shit together today. Heading to the store right after work!!

I’m very close to Charleston, SC and we are also expecting a million tourists. It’s insane but I’m glad I live here to see it & don’t have to battle for hotel rooms/rental cars. I also don’t have any hotels in my immediate area (about 5 miles to a hotel in any direction) so I SHOULD be able to avoid tourists entirely.

I don’t know, but I have a co-worker who talked to a friend of hers in Bend, Oregon today and she was told that gas lines were around the block and some places have already run out. Yes, they’ll probably get re-supplied, but the resupply truck will have to get through the same nightmarish traffic.

Summary of every Oregonian right now

I’ve been toying with the idea that this is just as good a reason as any to consider human sacrifice to our benevolent gods, but I just don’t know....

He’s a dumb redneck and I really don’t care for him and his hunting and casual animal cruelty/neglect. So I’m really not losing sleep over he and Anna Faris’s divorce

Charles isn’t his dad so he lucked out.

Thank you, <3

If my teen depression had looked like this, my mother would have absolutely just screamed at me to sort my hair out, in addition to telling me to “get over it.” If she didn’t shave my head for me, with or without my consent. In reality, I pulled my hair out, and had a bald patch going at any given time, and instead of

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it

“The one place women actually talk more? In less structured, more cooperative environments. In other words, when there is less fear of being perceived as overbearing, women find their voice.”

Not sure why you put “evil” in quotes. No reasonable person would think of R. Kelly otherwise.

I don’t want to [bombard] Anna, but I do want them to know…anything they need from me, I’m there for them. I just love [them] both.” 

The kid is humble and he wants to put [his past] behind him,” Pelini told the paper.

...after his release [he] returned to Steubenville High School where he played football in his senior year.

No, only men with no boundaries (plus two eyes and a wifi password). Whether or not “no boundaries” is a descriptor that applies to men in general is left to the reader to determine. Don’t blame people for the interpretations you project onto their words!

You got that Judge Joe Brown intense look in your eye
And I got that red lip, courtroom sketch that you like
And when we go to court, we file a lawsuit every time
Check out my courtroom style, my courtroom style

Sexism is a helluva drug.

What’s amazing to me is how many people (primarily women, which I cannot understand) over on Facebook are blaming the female victim for this! They’re saying she clearly tried to trip him, when it’s very obvious that her leg swung out only because she was being violently pushed to the ground. Like, they refuse to see