
I went to the Taylor swift 1989 tour. I thought those light up bracelets would be stupid. They were actually awesome! She makes “dance around the apartment” music and I like it for that. But I’m not so delusional that I can’t recognize her music isn’t “deep” and all this “drama” is just manufactured bullshit.

Lorde rocks, and so does Taylor Swift, and if you don’t think so that’s OK too.

1) I am unable to keep up with rapper names and genuinely thought Ferrari in question was the Italian car maker, so trying to parse what I was reading was... Difficult at the beginning.

I know, right! The airlines should let checked bags go for free and charge for the use of the overhead compartments.

Sitting in your seat and waiting until the proper time is definitely the right thing to do.

I don’t know how to feel about this. The dog did bite her and her partner repeatedly. And shelters lie about dogs’ histories all the time in order to get them adopted. I’m not saying Dunham didn’t do anything wrong, but I’m not prepared to blast her for it. If the dog had issues that she couldn’t deal with (after

Rob & Chyna:

IIRC, it was a favorite word of these two, in a situation perhaps eerily similar to this one.

Yeah. Also Mama Bears would definitely describe staring and yodeling at a stranger as their kid’s idea of being friendly.

Slightly nuts? You’re way kinder than me. I assume complete and utter asshole.

Anytime an adult uses the word “haters” to defend themselves, I automatically assume they are in the wrong. It’s a bullshit word used by bullshitters.

Thank you. Honestly, I never know what to think of Jez these days. I submitted this comment totally thinking I might get attacked by overstressed moms telling me to shut the fuck up bc Motherhood is HARD. Which I don’t deny, but you get my meaning, and again, just thought this woman’s action was so gross and over the

NOT OKAY. Seriously I cannot with people that do this, it is so unbelievably rude and vile.

You should be disgusted. There are a lot of gross people in the world.

I don’t particularly like children, but part of what is so exhausting about interacting with them is the “DON’T WAKE THE MAMA BEAR!!!!” attitude of this type of parent. The best parents are chill, know their kids are wild hellions, and try to put some space between the kids and other people going about their days. The

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

The biggest problem is, most people don’t understand the houses. For example, people feel bad when they are sorted as Hufflepuffs, even though that means you are a genuinely nice person who values friendship, loyalty and hard work. They think it equates to “boring,” thanks in no small part to a bunch of stupid memes.

Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a

I’ve always wondered how much energy would be conserved if offices didn’t have to air condition themselves into refrigerator territory because men are forced to wear suits and ties to work. I say this while sitting in my office, in Florida, in July, wearing a sweater because it’s freezing. Let men and women wear