The headline makes this sound a lot more ominous than it was.
The headline makes this sound a lot more ominous than it was.
I like this. Just my personal preference but I appreciate an actual full human voice as opposed to that weird twee half waify voice kind of popular now.
People complain about the show all the time, but thank GOD the Farya storyline was omitted. If they think Sansa had nothing to do NOW, try reading the endless Alayne chapters. Same with Fageon.
I think they are referring to $50's and $100's... which a lot of places have a hard time breaking because they don’t keep a bunch of cash in the register.
Although being a SAHM is a difficult job, if I was hiring and someone put all that stuff on a resume, I would give it serious side eye. All parents have to deal with the kinds of things you describe, not just those who stay at home.
I really feel bad for Venus though obviously not as much as the victim and his wife. Accidently killing someone by making a dumb driving mistake is one of my biggest fears. It’s honestly something that scares me more than being the one injured or killed; I wouldn’t want to carry that guilt around for the rest of my…
Your last paragraph ignores the fact that there are many, many people who manage to parent while working full time. If your “gold” resume lands in front of one of them, you’ll be laughed at heartily while being denied interviews.
What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.
Was that the only reason you left him? I don’t know your situation, but if there were other problems in the marriage, then supplying THAT as the reason is—I’m sorry—it’s kind of the meanest thing you can do.
Dude I got like 11 earlier and felt loved
One time I got 38 likes, 16 retweets and 7 comments. I was pretty stoked because i’m pathetic.
hey, i loved the duff.
I HATE it when people try to honk you into the intersection. I’m not going out there until it’s 100% certain I’m making that light.
Hey, if they want a war, let’s give them one. At this point, it’s probably the only option left (we’ve been whining and protesting about the corruption of the Republicans for over thirty years now and they’ve only gotten worse and more powerful). I’m pretty sure the rest of the world (or Canada and Europe anyway)…
Bottom line: The NRA is making this ad because this is how the Republican base sees our country, at this moment in time, and it accurately reflects their feelings about everyone else in the country. These people are heavily armed and itching for a fight, talking nice and listening to their concerns will not defuse the…
Only a jerk tries to touch someone else’s pet without permission.
Halsey is annoying af. I can’t believe y’all let her be a thing.
ok i loved that jlaw moment. i’m cracking up.