God, I miss those guys. It all feels like a fever dream now.
God, I miss those guys. It all feels like a fever dream now.
Would actually need two genders to be gender neutral. You know the word woman only appears like 3 times across all 3 books right?
I’m guess I’m just not clear why you think violently, viciously abusing only one woman (that we know of) equals “deserving a second chance.”
I am appalled that this is what is required to believe a woman’s word on intimate partner violence.
“I hope she and Elon Mysk have a great relationship and a happy life.”
Farrell’s character turns into Depp’s, no? So why couldn’t Farrell just have continued?
Why oh why did you cast him in a critical role JK Rowling, a role that will last over a decade...
While I’m glad additional corroboration is coming to light that supports Amber Heard’s statements, I am appalled that this is what is required to believe a woman’s word on intimate partner violence.
When I was in 6th grade I had just discovered WordArt and my teacher could pry it from my cold, dead hands. If the title is not ‘3D’ and in rainbow colours, IS IT EVEN A TITLE?
Yeah, that must be it and not the fact that disney world is over priced... and boring... and the food is bad...
my gender is not on my ID
my sex is on there though.
While that’s a good idea, I wonder if the police will have a difficult time with this. Don’t they use gender as part of identifying suspects?
I’m obviously the only person who has ever watched it, but I’ll never understand why the League wasn’t a major hit. Despite it’s peoblems, I love that movie and I think it had a great potential for years of sequels. The story, Connery, the whole visual feeling of the movie..I love it.
I have actually always liked Nicole (I don’t know why) and when I read how he treated her (filing for divorce right before 10 years; “Nic knows what she did” about her miscarriage, also right before the divorce filing; and what he did to her with their children, plus all the other CO$ bs she dealt with) I DETEST the…
Unrelated, but I came up with a process of generating Gossip Girl names that I’m VERY proud of: for your first name, you pick the last name of a British prime minister and for your last name, you pick a salad. Thus: Blair Waldorf. (My Gossip Girl name would be Thatcher Cobb.)
I’d be more on board if they weren’t trying to do League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Ambition will only work for so many.
I’m 31, am I wrong in thinking you’re a smidge younger? I grew up in an oil family and saw how stressed my parents were in the late 80s/early 90s when business was booming but layoffs were too.
God, that pisses me off. It’s so enraging that entire levels of professionalism are tossed aside as “lesser” because they’re part of the service industry. How the hell does working at the Gap NOT qualify you to write a newspaper article? It’s not a curse where you have to sit and weave and stare at a mirror; it’s a…
In the last few years, I’ve had it with the bullshit narrative I grew up with: work your ass off in school to get into a top college, do well at said top college = success! I basically gave up my childhood to be the good girl and its gotten me squat. I was in school until I was 25 and have a degree from a top 10…