Thought you were talking about Alex Skargard and was like ON MY WAY.
Thought you were talking about Alex Skargard and was like ON MY WAY.
Have always loved Julia Stiles. Think she is so underrated as an actor. I still remember her SNL hosting gig and how funny and fearless she was.
This article is honestly kind of strangely written/unclear but the only thing I can think of (legally) is if this was not consensual...hence producer filing as third party. Though this is obviously speculation. Not a lot about this seems to make sense otherwise.
Emotional support animals require no special training. Mundy may have needed that dog for emotional support but anyone can get any kind of animal set up as an emotional support animal if you don’t want to pay for a ticket for your animal.
Service =|= support
Support animals are not service dogs :/
I don’t think it really counts as a service dog. It was an “emotional support” animal. Anyone can claim their dog/pony/iguana is an emotional support animal. There are no rules or regulations around this and it’s frequently abused by folks who frankly do not really need to cart an untrained pet around with them…
This is why “emotional support” dogs are bullshit. As far as I can tell emotional support dogs are scams that white people run in order for them to take their untrained pet to places that ordinarily wouldn’t let pets in.. It’s a scam and needs to stop.
Emotional support dogs are not service dogs. They serve very different functions and have different rights and standards.
I know people wil say I’m exaggerating, but it’s my firm belief that it’s this kind of thing that lay the grounds for normalizing victim-blaming in rape.
I have relatives who are high school teachers, and have had this debate with them. They’ll say things about how high school girls are all dressing “slutty these days” (ugh), their cleavage is too much, etc etc, they just want attention. And I’m like listen, WHY do you care? Why do kids have to dress professionally?…
“Peek” not peak. Sorry to be that reader.
Valley Uprising.
There is a really great doc on the history of climbing at Yosemite (can’t remember the name damnit!). I watched it a few months back and it took me down a rabbit hole of climbing docs.
Most white liberals I know agree that Maher shouldn’t have said the n-word on television and should apologize. Those who are defending Bill in this case likely aren’t all that liberal.
I was really counting on the flying cars to make the dystopian future worth it. But here we are, dystoping our peasant asses off with not a flying car to be seen. What a ripoff.
I am writing to alert you that your email account has been hacked by an unfortunate and unusually hostile individual. Please remedy your account’s security right away, lest this person’s uninformed and sexist rantings give you a bad name. After all, we men have to look out for each other!
I just really hope that none of these MRA nutcases show up to hurt any women. I hope they just stay home and sulk.