
This is one thing that the “jeez, women can’t take a compliment/a little flirting” guy can’t understand. Women’s bodies get commented on like this all. the. time. Women’s bodies are never not available for men to appraise and comment on, be it a compliment or a criticism. It’s exhausting.

“elite CrossFit athlete”

“If people would just stop using their credit cards, there wouldn’t BE any credit card fraud!”

Then stand, Taylor.

Remember when people said “Nicki’s gotta hit back at Remy and hard or she’s gonna suffer” and then she really didn’t respond much at all, mostly ignored it and now she’s doing fine and nobody’s talking about Remy anymore?

I’ve always vaguely disliked her because I confuse her with Serena.

There, fixed it for you.

Why was the article written in such a way as to make the manufacturer/drug company out to be the “bad guy” or there was some sort of racial animus/fat shaming happening?

Ugh this feud is so boring and stupid I am not rooting for either of them. However, I will say that this “reason” from Katy Perry isn’t the exoneration she seems to think it is. Encouraging your dancers to take another job but telling them how to do it so they can quit halfway through and join hers is still shitty,

A Venn diagram of techbros/MRA Redditors/Alt Right fuckfaces would basically be one giant circle. Giz is a natural gathering ground for them to act smug to liberals while appearing to have a reason to be there.

Gizmodo has gone full Hitler Youth nowadays. I guess it’s not a coincidence that the personality types of STEM Men and the Alt Right seem to mesh together so well.

No, but you don’t understand. Not everyone has the ability to stop violating the law. Some people just have to, and it’s not fair to those people. These habitual law violators need to be understood, and you should have empathy for them because if it weren’t for the evil police, she wouldn’t have had any violations,

The violent rejection thing with Dong seemed like a slapstick depiction of immaturity

A second chance?

Traffic accidents kill tens of thousands of Americans each year, cause millions of injuries, many of which are severe and life-altering, as well as billions of dollars in property damage.

No, it’s been a clear pattern of abuse, which was confirmed by her then literally saying she was raped this season by calling the reverend a rapist

And don’t forget “Would you like to donate a dollar to help Dartmouth students learn to read?”

yes. get out.

I have had “Boobs in California” stuck in my head since Friday and I’m ok with that!

i’m soooooooorrrrryyyyyyyy but when has daveed diggs EVER been underwhelming?