
My future ex-husband also morphed into a stranger overnight. I don’t really know what happened. We were together for over 10 years; I gave up everything I’d ever known and loved (except family) to relocate with him to a place I’d never even beard of, based on his promises of a better life for us and our child; we were

There’s also this pervasive notion that compromise = settling. If you have to modify one behavior, or that if your partner can’t modify something about them, then you’re settling for the less than. She won’t look hot for me? I’m not settling! He’s perfect except that he won’t participate in my interests? Settling!

I watch BBT, and I actually enjoy it.

Gaslight all you want.

This is the world we live in now.

No, I think he’s a nut, was acting weird, and she was afraid of him.

Your shitty phone is literally impossible not to notice if you’re seated in front of me. If you’re off to the side? I still see the blinding light of your phone. If you’re in the center? I still see the blinding light of your phone, even if I deliberately look away. No matter what direction I look, if you’re in front

Thankfully Alamo Drafthouse will kick people out for using their phones during a movie. I don’t go to them, but it’s a great policy.

If you were a woman on a date with a clearly unstable man, you would honestly concern yourself with how that man makes his way home? Moreso than your own personal safety?

Hard no. The whole point of watching a movie in the theater is to be in an immersive environment free of distractions. The ideal experience is supposed to be in the theater.

The fucking theater makes a giant impossible to miss production of telling you to stay off your phone at the beginning of the movie. Why would you go to see a movie in a theater if you cannot follow even the most basic instructions?

The theater tells you before the showing that cellphones are distracting and not to ruin the movie for everyone else. 

“If you’re that distracted, don’t go to the movies”

You are a garbage person.

Maybe don’t text during a movie? If i hear or see anyone talking or texting I go straight ape shit.

Counterpoint: Be a decent human being and keep your tiny screen in your pants while watching a movie. Or, god forbid, walk out to the entrance where you won’t bother anyone else.

I know it’s not an “emergency” becuase you’re still in the fucking theater. You’re phone is a giant blinding light flickering.. it’s not about staring at your selfish ass. I didn’t pay good money to watch people yank out their phones every minute and a half

In a dark theater, that tiny little bright-ass screen is really noticeable, and it takes me out of the moment. If you need to text, stay home and watch movies (or go all the way to the top row where no one is sitting behind you and will see that screen while you’re texting).

How many women does this guy have buried in his basement? Jw