
“back all the way full” — How can anyone possibly still say or believe this? If you’ve never been to DC and are still confused about the National Mall’s geography, then check out sites like Google Maps. (Important: The Capitol is the eastern end, the Lincoln Memorial is the western end. Views from the two sites are

Problem is, the facts do not affect Combover Caligula. He will make shit up just to get his face in the News, then bitch about the media misrepresenting what he said, even though they have it recorded and uncut.

You know it’s bad when seemingly every executive overseen branch, or at least those who have already been trodden on/insulted by Our Esteemed Leader (whose birth was accompanied by “a yuuuuge golden fountain, okay seriously it was the best, and three eagles flew over my head, gifting me with this tremendous do, just

Yeah, won’t matter. The people who believe every word Trump says basically are immune to facts and reason and independent thought.

The real question is: what does Kellyanne Conway owe to Feminism? Before first-wave feminism women weren’t allowed into universities and law schools. Before second-wave feminism her chances of being let into those schools would still have the been slim. Once out, she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere NEAR the White House

I’ll push back a bit on this. Trump gets called on “small” hands and the implications associated with that. Politics is a contact sport. I think each insult has to be judged on its merits (or truths.)

I insult people left and right who “held their nose and voted for Trump.” I have nothing but contempt for them.

I don’t owe Conway jack shit. She chose who she wanted to become and who she is working for.

I think we “owe” it to her not to criticize her based on her physical looks. She is a morally repellent sycophant who is trying to put a veneer of normalcy on a madman; that is enough to comment on without resorting to using patriarchal beauty standards against her.

I respect this particular thing, but he really left a bad taste in my mouth when it felt like he would bring up his failed relationship with Britney Spears whenever he felt the need for attention (this might just be what I feel like happened, and not what happened at all). And something about his relationship with

dear lord can we please stop that stockholm shit? Just because someone on the internet said it doesn’t mean it’s right and has to be repeated ad nauseum. I could go into details why it doesn’t fit in the Disney movie but that has already been done dozens of times before. It’s just an incredibly lame thing to say that

Agreed, am I missing something here? The headline made it seem like they had muted something like, “If you’re a gay or lesbian kid...”

She was sexualized at a young age. Is it really that difficult to understand she was uncomfortable with the idea of being “sexy”? And now some time has past, she feels differently and her views have changed. Is that not allowed? Must we have the exact same views and opinions our whole lives? How old was she when she

Oy, thanks for posting this. I had a feeling Watson wasn’t the type to shame another woman for her sexuality given she’s talked at length about the OMGYes website which teaches and encourages women to literally explore their own sexuality.

If this helps, no one ever gives context to that quote. It was part of a longer conversation between her and Tavi Gevinson, and they eventually both come to the conclusion (in the same conversation) that Beyonce’s art was empowering because she had control of it. The Emma quote is basically just a way of introducing

Don’t pretend that when Bye Bye Bye comes on, you don’t do the hand thing. It’s implanted in our generation’s DNA

I’d say she was being hypocritical if she had said that, like, yesterday.

I have to remind myself that Emma is roughly the same age as me, and my thoughts and feelings have changed dramatically in three years as well.

However, ones views can evolve over time. I know my opinions and beliefs changed quite a bit between ages 24 and 27 :)

Like I agree that is a hypocritical remark but it was also 3 years ago. Her understanding of feminism may have evolved quite a bit sense then. I know mine has.