So his argument boils down to, “Don’t take the word of a woman unless there’s hard evidence backing it and it leads to a conviction—if there’s any doubt at all, the man is always right.”
So his argument boils down to, “Don’t take the word of a woman unless there’s hard evidence backing it and it leads to a conviction—if there’s any doubt at all, the man is always right.”
PC-fueled sense of indignation
I think this entire thing is really worrying, but what is really pissing me off is his misuse of “McCarthyism” considering that he is starting witch hunts himself. Talk about projection...
Senator Graham, if you discover there was no wiretap will you ask for the President’s resignation?
You may be right, but I don’t think Remy Ma is any better. Which is why I’m surprised so many people are supporting her- I mean which is worse, being a general rude high school-bitch-type, or trying to kill your friend over money, leaving that person paralyzed and infertile, and not showing remorse over it? It’s also…
That article today that quotes Remy Ma on Wendy Williams though....I don’t know if it’s intentional or not but the way she keeps calling Miley Cyrus ‘Hannah’ is pretty funny and maybe a little shady? Hard to tell.
I’ve read the last few articles on this “feud” just to try and figure out who she is. Still no luck. And I’m only 29.
I’m still trying to figure out if I should actually know who Remy Ma is.
Because GEN X has been looking for a generations less fiscally responsible then themselves to blame in order to feel better about the stupid ass home buying decisions they made leading to the market crash in 2008
Didn’t need to because people could afford new cars then and most times without a loan. You see where I’m going with this right?
Fixating on a monthly payment as the “hurdle” for affordability is nothing new. Baby boomers with 15 or 30 year notes on RVs are a prime example.
Agreed. But my all time favorite is “In Excelsis Deo” and I think it’s a pretty solid standalone episode as well. Doesn’t need anything bookending if. Also “Shibboleth” and “Nöel.” (Okay clearly I like the holiday episodes.)
Yes please! Could even go with a Republican president to balance out the show for the people on the other side of the aisle.
Any time I get depressed about the state of the world, I watch the entire series. So, I’m now on my 5th viewing in 12 months. Sad I know, but it does help to give me hope. I need more President Bartlet and less President Cheetolini in my life. I also need more of a life, but that’s a completely different subject!
Season 4, eps 1 & 2 (“20 Hours in America”) are some of the best TV in history.
I did the math last year, and I’m pretty sure Rob Lowe is the same age Martin Sheen was in WW season 1 (or very close). Since they kept talking about how Sam was going to be president someday, it would be kind of cool to have him be the President, for a whole cast of younger staffers.
OK, so I know I said yesterday that the thing I need right now is the Obamas’ new books. I kinda want this just as much.