
You can tell they’re struggling to make payroll because I still haven’t been paid for my Woman’s March time and that was over a month ago....

I know someone at a bookstore and she told me months ago that Barack Obama would be coming to do a book signing. This was just after the election, so I thought no way could I go. I would have grabbed hold of his ankles, cried like a baby, and begged him not to leave us.

Now playing

Former model here. Maida and Ramy are sick fucks. Their thing is to call hundreds of girls they have no intention of ever booking to a casting all at the same time and have them wait from 4-8 hours to be seen. They take their books when they arrive (agency portfolios - cost a bunch of money and are hard to replace) so

My reaction is similar to how I react whenever the girl scouts come peddling those cookies that I swear are laced with pure cocaine. “I’LL TAKE SEVEN OF EACH.”

Yeah. Lin Manuelis as cool as advertised

I don’t even treat my cat like that, and he’s an unapologetic asshole. When I leave he gets an explanation, a general ETA and his ‘shows’ put on repeat (animal planet’s big cat diaries). Other than sheer malice, I can’t think of a single reason to leave like that, much less turn off the lights.

And while we’re speaking of the White House photographer, how about a collection of some/all of his amazing photos called “The Obama Years.”

Now playing

I’m gonna try to bring a small smile with a Hamilton Related video. There is a surprise around 50 seconds in.

‘Memba when?

I’m in my 60s and lately wish that the Obamas would hug me and read to me. Trump is clearly driving me back into infancy, a time when my next bottle mattered more than the end of the world.

That’s what I was thinking, too. One photo... every day... like a soothing balm... to make the world a little better. I don’t realize how much I miss this beautiful couple (singly or together) until I see photos of them. Sad face.

Sort of unrelated, but I’ve been listening to the Hamilton cast recording on repeat for the past couple days (it will never die haha!), and I tear up now every time I listen to One Last Time. I know it’s sappy and stupid, but I can’t help but think how much I wanted Obama to just stay in office after Butthead (I’ve

I was just hoping there would be a book tour where they hold me while I cry.

Me rn:

Can they both be picture books and can they travel the country reading them to us (me)? Cause that would be great.

I know a lot/too much about the British monarchy. The problem was that Diana and Charles got married the way the heir, and those closest to the heir, always have. Queen Elizabeth didn’t even allow her own younger sister, Princess Margaret, to marry the man she wanted to. Charles did not want to marry Diana, and absent

I for one would totally watch Marmots of Murder.

I’ll probably just wait for The Crown to cover this. Elizabeth’s the only one in this story I even give a shit about. And her subtle contempt for Charles in The Queen will be explored more there.

They could have eliminated that idiot Justin Timberlake song & dance number that went on FOREVER at the beginning and had room for all the people who had passed away.