
Beatty didn’t announce La La Land; Dunaway did.

Horowitz handled it not just with grace, but authority and he corrected the situation as quickly and calmly as it could have been handled. He didn’t “spit” and saying it was “kind” of him to give Moonlight their award is nasty and shitty.

I was startled by the word “spat” there too. I’m sure Horowitz was upset and disappointed, but it seemed to me he was just being blunt to try to cut through the confusion and get the word out definitively that “Moonlight” had won, so that his fellow filmmakers could have their moment. I thought he reacted quickly and

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Yeah, I thought the Lala Land producers handled it with exceptional grace. They took it on themselves to announce that they hadn’t won, quickly got out the message that Moonlight had won, and tried to reassure the Moonlight team that this was all real and they should get up on stage. Like that’s a lot of crazy in

Yeah, I agree. It seemed like he was trying to make it right as quickly and clearly as possible.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

2017 continues to be a horseshit year. This was going to be Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Year to EGOT, and they pull this shit with “Best Original Song”?

Oh, get over yourself. It’s a skillful art form. Just because you don’t appreciate it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t honor those who achieve greatness within their community.

To be fair, maybe this means CNN, Politico, and the Times will—pardon my vernacular—stop sucking off this administration and actually do real, unashamed reporting on it. They may have been denied access, but they still exist as organizations and can still do their jobs.

10/10 would watch that reality TV show.

Because we live in a cruel and indifferent universe; one where stupidity cultivates pride, instead of searing, blinding pain. This is why I cannot have godlike power, because if I did, making people’s stupidity hurt them directly would be the first thing I’d do.

Is radical Christian terroism a coined term yet? It needs to be.

How can any Trump voter call Hillary a liar and not spontaneously combust from the sheer, blinding hypocrisy of their words?

I love that she thought her support of Trump would somehow sway the LGBTQ community to rally behind him, and how she now thinks her disapproval for Trump’s conduct would cause Trump to change course.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

It doesn’t matter if they are fans. They are part of the audience. When you do something publicly, everyone who cares to listen is part of the audience. You can’t honestly use the excuse, “you weren’t supposed to hear that.” And people don’t really care about the joke as much at this point. It is more so that they

I had to do a bit of casting the Google spell, but I found this old Jezebel piece about sort of this same topic I think might be some good, extra supplemental reading for commenters. It was from several years ago during that whole Daniel Tosh rape “joke” incident and it really tried to help point out that it’s not

I would put it this way: South Park had the right of it when Kyle said, “Either all of it’s funny, or none of it is.”

The problem with that quote is that it can be easily misconstrued as a defense of divisive, shitty, and sometimes outright hateful behavior by those who will retreat behind the redoubt of, “It was just