
ahaha Wait until you see those super fast snakes that hunt in packs (or at least do an astonishing imitation of it). You think you are ready. You are so not ready. Planet Earth II is amazing, like the first one, and like The Hunt, which came between them, but oh my god those snakes. And I like snakes. I can’t even

She wasn’t outed—-she chose to identify herself as Jane Roe to grab some publicity.

So she’s basically the face of “the only moral abortion is my abortion?

Ellie, this was a fantastic read...thank you so much.

Just want to add that me and my BFF both have long labia and we’ve talked about how society tries to make you feel shitty about it, so we created a club called DLP, ‘Dangling Labia Posse’ cause humor is sometimes one of the best ways to deal with all the sexist bullshit society throws our way. We’ve got a few other

I don’t mind the upsell for brows and upper lip. I am offended at an upsell like let me cut your labia.

I can also say that my friend went and saw a doctor for an unrelated issue and he out of nowhere recommended that she have this labia trimming done. She has no problem with how she looks and is perfectly comfortable with her labia. Fuck that guy and fuck this guy.

No but I’m kegeling up a storm over here with my baby destroyed vagina

Someone on twitter suggested that, perhaps, Kid Rock might not be the best choice as a Senator seeing as how he dropped out of school at 14 and does not appear to have ever gotten any education beyond 8th grade, and therefore may be less than conversant in the actual setup and workings of our government since, you

remember ella enchanted? the book was a gorgeous retelling, with real magic and an actual many years long relationship between ella and char. plus ever after was a fun movie! come on beauty and the beast people get your thinking caps on!

I figure that the Beauty and the Beast family of fairy tales are about child brides becoming women after marriage. Belle as a child is married to a full grown man. To her he is hairy and crass. Then after awhile as she matures sexually her opinion of him changes. The old ogre is gone and she now sees him as handsome

If Justin takes away Lin-Manuel’s EGOT, I am flipping fucking desks.

YES. Put the oscar lineups on Netflix and I’ll burn through them in one weekend.

People talk during the movie now - they seem to have forgotten that they are not in their living room at home. That drives me insane. They look at their phone, they kick the back of my seat, they munch and slurp their way through a gallon of soda and and a giant tub of foul smelling popcorn. They bring their kids who

lolno. Deadpool was a basic superhero origin film with Family Guy-style dick and poop jokes added. If it had garnered a Best Picture nomination while a film like Sing Street got completely shut out, the Academy would’ve lost the rest of the minimal respect it still has.

So much this. I finally took my daughter to see Hidden Figures a couple of weekends ago. Because she is 13, I now have to pay adult prices for her to go to the movies. Nearly $30 for two people is nothing to sneeze at. And we ate BEFORE we left home, because buying concession would have put the evening at $50 or

People aren’t seeing movies because they’ve become too expensive. In NYC, I pay on average, $15.00 a ticket. More if it’s in 3d or RPX or whatever tacked on nonsense charge. It’s a minimum of $50.00 just to sit down with my wife and kid. I enjoy going to the movies, but many people don’t have the luxury of ponying up

I don’t know, if they ever decide to expand the category beyond prestige dramas, I might see more of them. (I’m really missing the equivalent of The Big Short this year — something timely, funny, surprising.)

Yeah, I have a terrible feeling that this is just going to backfire. I feel like it’s unorganized, unclear, and in some ways unreasonable. I hope it’s a huge success, but if it backfires that would be awful.

What should my wife do in a company of <60 ppl that is owned by a woman, employs a lot of women, and treats their employees well? Advise