Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.
Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.
It’s my favourite movie (of all genres ever) and I will fight anybody who says it’s not perfect. Macfadyen Darcy is the best and hottest Darcy ever.
That movie is PERFECT. It just is. Everyone is appropriately handsome (sorry but the Bennett sisters in the BBC adaptations do not strike me as beauties), Darcy and Bingley are perfect, all the other characters are perfect, the score is to die for, and I find the evolution or Elizabeth and Darcy’s interactions…
That movie wasn’t without its flaws, but Matthew Macfayden’s Darcy was definitely one of the best. The 2005 Mr. Collins was also exactly right in my mind’s eye!
I don’t get the Colin Firth obsession. He’s...........ok, i guess?
Matthew Macfayden Darcy or GTFO.
Is it wrong that I feel let down that it was just a few people protesting and one guy yelling “shame”?
Seriously though—this is how we should protest Trump’s administration, just follow these executives and cabinet members around everywhere with bells yelling “shame.”
You want him to die? I don’t.
On second thought maybe Hillary Clinton would have made a better president. I have spoken.
Your hang-up on her having super powers in order for her origin story to have that “Marvel” feeling to it is just that, a hang-up. No matter how many times you say “if you read the whole thread” like I didn’t, nothing you’ve written makes sense outside of your initial “if she doesn’t have super powers, no one cares…
I know literally no actual person who is a fan of the MCU who does not rabidly want a Black Widow solo movie.
I read the whole thread and your argument seems to be based on a whole lot of stuff you’re just assuming. Night Nurse, Misty Knight, Black Mariah, Colleen Wing for the upcoming Iron Fist series (which there’s already a healthy push for Daughters of the Dragon series). Agents of SHIELD’s Melinda May is almost a…
So, after 5 years of Alias with Jennifer Garner, 3 years of Nikita with Maggie Q, Keri Russell’s performance on one of the best spy shows ever (The Americans) and a swath of badass women coming up through ranks of the action genre, you’re telling me there’s no crowd for a Black Widow movie?