
Thanks. It is really terrible and terrifying. I’m sorry you are dealing with this and good luck.

Pregnant ladies are very susceptible to atmosphere. Also, the vapors.

When can we be done with the 8 million hashtags for every single post? It’s too much. Also, can people please at least capitalize every new word to make them at least readable? I totally read the jlovegas2017 one as ILoveGas2017 at first. Which makes the FeelsGoodTho below it even funnier.

I’m a bit evil hearted and your story makes me like her just bit more. Imagine this little blond loud mouth yelling out “dorks” like an bad scene form an 80s movie. Oh to be in the 80s again when dork was an insult lol.

The other thing is people who grew up rich. Even without the connections, the people who grow up around the business understand it in a way everyone else has to learn. And both them and the rich kids don’t have to work double shifts and hope to have enough for rent and classes.

NO guilt in “Whatever You Like”, only pleasure. STACKS ON DECK, PATRON ON ICE! ALso side note, T.I. can do whatever HE likes... to me... sexually

This playlist loses all credibility by 1) not including “Backstreet’s Back” and 2) starting it off with an NSync song that pales in comparison to “I Want It That Way.”

How does that not hold up?! I submit that it does. She took his heart AND his money. Come on, now.

Not a TI fan, but “Whatever You Like” is a goddamn guilty pleasure, and I will always hear it out if it comes on the radio.

(contrast that which was released in the ‘60s with ‘80s pop and the difference feels infinitely greater than stuff that emerged in the late ‘90s and now)

Is this really a new thing though? I mean... a ton of famous people have familial connections. Rashida Jones, Maya Rudolph, The whole cast of Girls basically, Zoe Kravitz, Kate Hudson, Miley Cyrus, Emma Roberts, Colin Hanks, Jaden Smith, Angelina Jolie... it goes on and on

Have you heard the one about the guy that didn’t know the difference between butt-lube and wood glue?

One of the worst dresses I’ve seen all day.

At the 1994 Olympics it was a broken lace. So they let her go backstage to handle that and skate at the end of the group. By the time all was said and done and they called for Josee the same amount of time had elapsed as would have if Tonya had skated her entire program. Josee was always a headcase even with the best

Everyone likes that movie.

500 Days of Tonya, PLEASE!

I can’t wait! I’m so hoping this is going to be the trashy movie of my dreams!

I’m ready for every last blurb about this movie.