So interesting how little empathy people are showing for this woman after her home was invaded and destroyed in such a personal manner. I wonder why that is? People seemed to have a bit more empathy for Kim K. Curious.
So interesting how little empathy people are showing for this woman after her home was invaded and destroyed in such a personal manner. I wonder why that is? People seemed to have a bit more empathy for Kim K. Curious.
Yeah seriously, she is the victim of a crime here. I’ve had someone break into my car a couple years ago. The only thing of “value” they took was a worn out first generation ipod I was obviously no longer using, but they made sure to trash the inside of my car, too. Lol but what do you expect to find when you break…
I will never be able to unsee that Miley gif. You, sir, are a monster.
I think they broke the frames instead of stealing them. That sounds pretty personal. And scary.
My speculation ... Meek Mill sent someone looking for some of his personal stuff or something of Nicki’s. Whoever it ends up being, the robbery was about messing with Nicki, not taking things. A professional would have been in and out without the damage.
There are these surveys about rape that show while only very few men say they ever raped anyone if you describe typical rape scenarios lots more say they did do that. So yes, majority of rapists don’t see themselves that way.
I would suggest that most rapists don’t think they did anything wrong. Considering how many rapes are acquaintance rapes, most men think the woman wanted it (or deserved it) and go about their lives like they are normal, law-abiding citizens.
I hope so. But it worries me that the jury deliberated for longer than a standard work week before finding him guilty.
I’m sure Trump will just grant him clemency, that must be next on his agenda.
Can we get a poll at the bottom of this post to find who actually washes their pillows (or plans to wash them after reading this), because I am completely convinced that about 1% or less of us are pillow-washing. I know I’m not. Just being honest (and gross).
I don’t even wash my jeans, you think I’m gonna wash my PILLOWS? I like to think the germs are making me stronger!
I’ll be honest: I have never washed a pillow and odds of me doing so in the future are slim to none. I’m lucky if I wash my bath towels once a week. Don’t even ask how long I go between bed sheet washes. Pillows are low on the priority list.
I have never washed my pillows and I never will, fight me.
We’re obviously all dead and in hell, there’s no other explanation for any of this. Kinda like in The Sixth Sense, we’re dead but don’t know we’re dead.
Frederick Douglass died in 1895.
I feel like more than one person has uttered “bless your heart” to you in your life.
Sam was fine, but that’s not enough in a show where every other character is incredible. Toby forever.
Didn’t Lowe quit because he was upset that he wasn’t the star of the show? Apparently he was a massive douchebag behind the scenes and was the same way on Parks & Recreation.
I got 3 tacos for $1.95 each today because it is taco Tuesday, so I know how Depp feels.
there’s no one at the wheel? is this meant to be a metaphor for her life right now?