
You know, every time online someone has said “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!” I have rolled my eyes, because despite loving Zoolander, nothing that actually weird is going on.

If you truly haven’t seen Titanic, it’s worth a watch, although Spoiler Alert, apparently: only one person can fit on a wooden door.

It’s not just surface area, it’s buoyancy. Change that taped-up floor to a flimsy piece of wood floating in freezing ocean water.

This doesn’t factor in weight though. It’s likely that adding more than double the weight would have sunk the door.

The only person that’s full of shit is you, James Cameron, thinking people want to see not one, not two but THREE FUCKING AVATAR SEQUELS. I saw Avatar. It was.....fine.

I’m inclined to agree with Cameron. The Mythbusters had the advantage of a lot of time to come up with a strategy, and were not in a life threatening situation where if they made a wrong move, someone they cared about would die.

Agreed. It seemed like she was mocking him.

Was she drunk?

Best things about it: Winona Ryder’s expressions.

If the study only focused on narratives, sure. But you’re ignoring the second part of the study in which the researcher had the children choose between two games—one for “really, really smart” children and another for those who “try really, really hard.” This part of the study has absolutely nothing to do with the

As one of the five people who watched THE 4400, this year of people noticing Ali has been delightful.

Maisie Williams has always been cute in a not traditionally beautiful way, but I think this kind of old timey starlet look with the hair really works for her features.

I know. I KNOW. I’m seething today. Could not resist telling a TrumpTroll (Trompll?) to fuck off. I apologize.

Shut up

You can’t leave. Other countries don’t grant Americans long-term visas as a retaliation against our strict immigration policies. Not to mention you need money to relocate and help finding employment. If someone who says “if you don’t like it, you can leave!” wants to give me $100,000, a New Zealand green card, and a

......or this is the end of days and you can plan on spending your golden years foraging in an irradiated overgrowth narrowly escaping the constant threat packs of wild dogs pose.

As a California voter I’m not sure which way I’d go on this if it makes it to the ballot. On one hand I don’t think even if it passes it would ever happen. All of the arguments why it would be a good idea are reasons other states would oppose it. We’re the 6th largest economy in the world, produce far more in federal

Counterpoint: Cut off the necrotic flesh that is the rest of the USA before it kills you as well.

Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country. It’s not MY job to drag you kicking and screaming into the 20th century.

If everyone leaves, he’s not president of anything anymore. I say all 50 states disband and reform as the United States of Not Trump.