Actually it was Marissa who passed out in TJ. I, a 33 year old father know this, and I am not ashamed.
Actually it was Marissa who passed out in TJ. I, a 33 year old father know this, and I am not ashamed.
Megan Fox tried to pass that bullshit off when she was an up and coming actress.
Keep telling yourself she was the wrong candidate for the job while the flesh is melting off your face.
You know, it’s not even something radical for russia. It’s been known through centuries in russian culture that a good husband disciplines her wife through beating. There’s even a saying, which loosely translates as “If he hits you, he loves you”. I’m not shitting you. As much as we’d like to think of them as…
Aaaand again, I would think the words “Tesla’s Fremont parking lot,” combined with the words “TESLA FACTORY” two inches below that, and a basic understanding of the biggest name in electric automobiles would have gotten you over that hump. I’m sorry our educational system as left you so far out in the cold.
Looks like a grab and run repossession. He’ll likely square it away once he is out of sight of the very recently previous owner.
So she lost like 4lb? Inspiring.
Too bad about Matt Damon, after all, he’s basically got a PHD in mansplaining. He was born to Politic.
Humans are the worst. What the hell is the matter with people?
For a cute, fun Rom Com that’s another Mandy Moore Vehicle, may I suggest Chasing Liberty? Which also features the deliciously British Matthew Goode (playing a U.S. Secret Service agent while still using his normal Brit accent for...reasons). A movie where the main female character actually has sex with the object of…
Nope. They are just baby pigs, sometimes shown with their adolescent, underfed parents. It’s basically like someone introducing you to the newborn child of a pair of 7th graders and telling you that it was probably going to end up 4'10 and 90 pounds.
My understanding was that all micro-pigs are regular pigs and they grow to a normal size unless you starve them. But I can’t find the CBC investigation that informed me of that...
Half the time I see Ted Allen on Chopped, I wonder why/how he ever did Queer Eye, try to remember him on it, and only remember Carson.
I saw one of the fat shaming memes. It said “trump got more fat women out walking in one day than Michelle did in 8 years”. Fuck off.
So many right wing men who dont know how to take care of themselves. They are not very good at surviving in the world on their own. They need a “mother” at all times.
“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”
So very many conservative special snowflakes....
We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?
Aziz’s bit about G.W. Bush in his opening monologue cracked me up. “What the hell has happened? I’m sitting here wistfully watching old George W. Bush speeches? Just sitting there- ‘What a leader he was!’ 16 years ago I was certain this dude was a dildo, now I’m sitting there like ‘He guided us with his eloquence!’”
But The Cutting Edge! Toe pick!!