
I’ll never accept him as a legitimate president until he does.

I’m going to try and explain something, because I see people not understanding it, so here goes.

A “difference of opinion” is you and I not agreeing on the proper method or rate of taxation of a populace.

A “difference of opinion” is you and I not agreeing on the decorations of a house, or if the dress is gold/white

No...Nazis get punched, period.

You mean this sign? It’s amazing.

My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.

Those are all fantastic! Here’s my favorite from the march in Austin. What an amazing experience it was, I’m still high from the positive hopeful vibes.

I cheer violence against Nazis and ISIS. It’s my constitutional right.

Fuck you.

We are better than them, simply by virtue of being against ethnic cleansing.

EXACTLY BRUH! It amazes me we have ACTUAL Americans literally trying to hoist these guy as some sort of hero. It’s a shame that we have to experience this trash on top of having to hear about how BLM are terrorist or why are women marching in Washington. It’s like sensory overload of ignorance. THE ONLY GOOD thing

That’s how I feel. On the one hand, you shouldn’t hit. On the other, shouldn’t be a Nazi.

Of course it’s wrong to punch someone in the face. Buuuuuutttt… if you’re a Nazi, maybe you kinda deserved it.

You think that’s what the Germans, Polish, and French said as their neighbors were being hauled away?

This fucking stain on humanity should not be able to leave his house without getting punched in the fucking face.

The abortion rate is currently at its lowest point since Roe v Wade passed. Because we had Planned Parenthood and access for free birth control.

“I knew that with Hillary, there would definitely be no hope for the unborn,” she explained. “But with him, I was very hopeful.” I’m so sick of these idiots.