
Wow, what a turnout. These numbers on the Mall are starting to rival the 2009 Obama inauguration. Way more people showed up for this than for Trump which is a huge statement to the nation and the world. Trump and the GOP may have won the office and congress but they do not have the support of America.

Guys, I am really bothered by my husband today. I’m going to my local women’s march and I asked him if he wanted to go. His reason for saying no is that he wants to go to the car dealership to look at a vehicle, and when I pressed him on it he said very mockingly “Do you need a man to speak out for your rights, or can

I’m attending one in Topeka, Kansas, and the Facebook page says that over 3,000 people have RSVPed. IN KANSAS!!!!!

I feel a sort of swelling in the region of my wizened heart with all the international marches of solidarity...Thanks, women of the world, it feels good to know you are with us! Cheers!

The book is really heartwarming, even though it makes you cry. I thought the film might do it justice, especially with Josh Gad doing the dog’s voice. I am so disappointed to find out they treated the dog this way. I have been thinking about it since yesterday, and was almost late to work because I took some extra

I literally burned my copy of this book when I was done with it. Just so it couldn’t hurt anyone else ever again.

For everyone that’s going on about poor Monica Lewinsky that knowingly participated in an affair and kept physical specimens to prove her point, it’s interesting that no one has mentioned Hillary or Chelsea now getting to relive yet another dramatized version of this shit over 20 years later, on the tail of a

An acquittal is a formal certification that the accused is free of the charge. Any more pedantry?

What’s the crime in the Lewinsky story? It’s not a crime to fuck a married man. Isn’t the lack of serious criminality in the situation basically why Bill wasn’t successfully impeached? Can anyone make a miniseries that’s essentially about allegations of perjury interesting?

I didn’t think hypnotizing was real either. I’m still not sure.

i thought hypnosis was fake, isnt this awful. everyone who took part in bringing him down, good job

I loved the book, and it’s sequel. I ugly cry every time I read them :(

Feminism is about equality through legal rights and changing outdated cultural attitudes. When you try to take away other women’s rights, you aren’t a feminist.

Lol, it’s actually not, at least, the book version isn’t like that at all.

Yeah, I’m not even going to watch that clip.

I have read the book at least twice and weirdly love it. The reincarnation and the dog’s devotion to his purpose of helping his people is very touching. Yes, the dog has to die to be reincarnated but that part isn’t really the focus.

Fuck fuck fuck. I love this book (it’s one of the few books that makes me cry, like, serious tears for some reason) and have been anticipating this movie for months. I’m supposed to see it with my bff and her 8-year-old. Fuck fuck fuck these assholes better not have harmed dogs to make a movie based on a book ALL

Same. And hoping the comparison shots to the Women’s March will be epic!


Welcome to your new everyday routine in Trump’s america.