
I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

***I love this story with one million Stars and Hearts***

Hell, I’m having an intense desire to beat his ass right now. And then ask him to prove it happened and that I ever existed in the first place.

Seeing the scale of these conspiracies is one of the more heart breaking parts of the election. How do we begin to fix this when there’s such a strong market for nonsense? How do we talk to people who are living in their own realities, who are functionally insane?

Seriously!! There’s a big difference between wanting to bring your personal pet to work and having an animal that actually LIVES in a public building and has a purpose doing so.

This is an amazing story, and yet I am most impressed by the extraordinary pettiness of the anonymous puppy-owner.

On the list of Classic Blunders right after “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line” is “never get in a small town turf war over a cat”

Go fuck yourself.

“Modern slave labor?” What an ignorant statement. Every one of thise athletes knew how the system works before agreeing to enter into it. If they don’t like it, they are free to leave or simply not participate in it at all. If you disagree with how the NCAA and the amateur athlete system is currently functioning

“make our program great again.”

If you think the NCAA is slave labor, then you should pushing for ALL of the teams to boycott all of the games for every sport — not just the ones that are supporting rapists.

How incredibly brave of them to boycott playing in a game they were definitely going to lose anyway because ten of their teammates were simultaneously suspended for being rapists.

Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t mean you have to assume the victim/accuser is lying. It means investigators have to figure out what happened.

The problem is in this country we have the presumption of slut

Not to overly praise a schools ability to investigate potential crimes, but I would like to believe that if they are recommending expelling five athletes and suspending four others, they would have a pretty solid reason to do so.

You have more faith in humanity than I do, clearly. Two well-publicized false claims against thousands of claims that get buried by cops, universities, and DAs. I guess either way we have a whole bunch of liars among us.

How many rape cases are ever brought to trial, much less end in a guilty verdict? Two percent? So the other 98 percent are just lying whore-sluts who deserved it?

Hey all, I called this meeting because well remember how 10 of our teammates were at a party and a bunch of them raped a girl? Well now they are being suspended and that’s just not fair. I mean just think, next time it might be you who gets suspended for raping a girl. You wouldn’t want that to happen to you right?

What a pathetic hill to die on. If they boycotted because a rapist(s) went unpunished, that would be awesome. I’d even happily accept boycotting a game because they don’t get paid. But to boycott in support of rapists?